Page 28 of Frozen Hearts
“All the typical first date things. Where you’re from? All your past relationships. You know the drill.”
“Originally, I’m from Ohio. I hated the cold winters so I moved here after college. My parents divorced when I was in high school. My Dad is an accountant. My Mom is an art teacher. They were always an unlikely couple. I’m an only child and my move hit my Mom hard. So she took a job that’s less than an hour away from here. Sushi actually used to be her dog. But my Mom gets bored easily so she was going to rehome him. I couldn’t let her do that so I took him home. But finding a local trainer has been harder than I thought,” Willow chuckled.
“I might be able to help with that,” Mel offered.
“Oh, are you a dog trainer, too?” Willow asked. She arched an eyebrow. For all she knew Mel could be half a dozen things.
“No, not me,” Mel laughed. Willow noted that she kept her laugh quieter this time. Willow missed the loudness of Mel’s full laugh.
“My friend, Jordan, just opened up a doggy daycare. There’s a trainer on staff. She can do obedience sessions with Sushi during the day. If that is of interest to you.”
Willow couldn’t help flashing Mel another warm smile.
“That is definitely of interest,” Willow laughed.
“Okay. So your mom lives close, your dad is in Ohio. What else? Tell me about your last relationship,” Mel pressed.
There was no way for Mel to know that she was pressing up against a bruise. Memories of Amy flooded her mind. Willow had been expecting their relationship to last forever.
“Are you okay?” Mel asked.
“I am. I just. It was a rough breakup,” Willow offered.
“Oh no. I’m sorry. You don’t have to tell me anything that makes you uncomfortable,” Mel suggested.
“No, it’s okay. It’s time for me to have this moment. Her name was Amy. We were together for what felt like a long time. Long enough that we had started talking about getting married.”
“Wow. So it was a significant relationship,” Mel commented.
“Exactly. I thought it was the last relationship I would ever be in. I thought things were great. I had no clue that she had doubts. Six months ago I was let go from my job. One day after running around town applying everywhere I could think of I came home and found a note.”
“A note? She broke up with you via note?” Mel asked aghast.
“Yeah. It just said that she was feeling pressured by all the talk about a wedding and she needed to go do her own thing. I was finally able to reach her on the phone. I guess she rented an apartment on the other side of town. That’s the last time we’ve spoken to one another.”
“That’s rough. I’m so sorry,” Mel offered.
“It’s okay. I’m finally starting to re-enter polite society. So that’s a good thing.”
“For what it’s worth I’m glad you’re here re-entering polite society with me,” Mel grinned.
“Me, too,” Willow agreed.
Mel reached a hand across the table and took hold of Willow’s hand. Willow was taken aback by the sudden warmth of Mel’s touch. She allowed the warmth to spread through her, shedding light on all her dark places. Willow met Mel’s deep brown eyes across the table and was immediately drawn in by her warmth. Willow startled when the waiter brought them food. The whole restaurant had faded to black as she allowed herself to get lost in Mel.
They chatted through dinner. Occasionally, Mel would reach out and touch Willow’s hand, sending an electric current surging through Willow. She could feel a mounting ache building in her body. She desperately wanted Mel to touch her in other places as well. The check came and Willow paid, even as Mel protested.
Mel grabbed her hand as they walked back to the car. Willow couldn’t help noting that their hands fit together perfectly. Before she could over think the move she pulled Mel into her body. Then leaning in she gave Mel a soft kiss on the lips. Mel’s lips were warm and welcoming. Whatever spark Willow had started erupted into a full inferno. Mel pulled Willow deeper into the kiss. They managed to pull away long enough to get into the car. They continued to surge forward each giving and taking in turn.
Willow forced herself to pull away and start driving towards her home. She longed for the privacy of her place, where she could explore Mel over the course of hours. Mel’s hand pressed against Willow’s thigh as she drove. Willow wished that Mel would move her hand to the spot between her legs. There was nothing she needed more than Mel.
As she pulled up to her townhome she noted a strange car in her driveway. Who the fuck could be swinging by at this hour? She and Mel each exchanged a look of confusion. As Willow left her car she was greeted by the singsong voice of her mother. Willow managed to suppress her groan, but only barely.
“Willow, there you are. I’ve been waiting for almost twenty minutes.”
Angela Rose had always had a way of carrying herself. Ever since Willow was younger she’d thought that her mother glided rather than walked. Angela covered the ground between them and wrapped Willow into a hug.
“Mom, I’ve told you to text if you want to come see me. That way you don’t have to wait and we can actually make arrangements,” Willow replied firmly. Angela batted a hand at the air, as if she was pushing away Willow’s words.