Page 33 of Frozen Hearts
“How could I say no?”
“That was the right answer,” Mel said, her hand skimmed the skin of Willow’s thigh as she moved upwards.
The next time Willow woke up it was to the harsh sound of Mel’s alarm. Willow startled at the shrillness of the alarm.
“Do you wake up like this every morning?” Willow asked, horrified.
“I never sleep in,” Mel offered as a way of explanation.
Willow grabbed her phone from the bedside table. She checked the time, it was already past eight o’clock in the morning.
“Shit,” Willow muttered.
“What’s wrong?” Mel asked.
“Nothing. I’m just running a little late,” Willow insisted.
Willow knew her Mom was an early riser. If she hadn’t realized Willow slipped out last night, she had certainly noticed by now.
“So, no time for breakfast then?”
“I’m sorry. Not this time. I have to get home before Mom rearranges my whole kitchen.” Willow scrunched her face up in a grimace. Mel chuckled at her expression.
Willow leaned in and gave Mel one final kiss on the lips. She gathered her clothes, and went to the bathroom. Willow dressed quickly then returned to the bedroom. The whole night had gone beautifully. Willow hated that she had to leave the world they had created together for the reality that awaited her at home.
“Can I see you tonight?” Willow asked.
“I work late tonight. So why don’t you come over here for dinner?” Mel suggested.
“Sounds great,” Willow answered.
“Great. What do you like to eat?”
“Don’t worry about fixing anything. I’ve got us covered,” Willow laughed. Mel arched an eyebrow, obviously curious.
“Don’t worry. I promise you’ll like it.”
“Okay. I’m taking you at your word,” Mel teased.
Willow stood in front of her front door. She drew a silent breath before turning her doorknob. To her confusion she couldhear laughter coming from her kitchen. She poked her head around the corner and saw River sitting at the kitchen table with her mother.
“Hey there. Someone had a late night,” River teased. Willow felt her face blush a deep red.
“Hey, buddy. I wasn’t expecting you,” Willow smiled. Her face was red hot. Willow was sure she was several shades of red.
“Well, you had your first big date with Mel last night. Obviously, I was going to need a debriefing,” River offered.
“I made muffins,” Angela offered from the kitchen.
Willow’s head spun. The scene in front of her felt like she was living in a sitcom.
“Thanks,” Willow said as her Mom handed her a muffin.
Sushi had already adapted to having Angela around. Sushi lay beside the refrigerator where he could watch everything unfold.
“I’ll let you girls catch up. I’m going to go get ready for the day,” Angela smiled. Willow watched as her Mom walked back to her bedroom.
“Buddy, what have I missed?” River asked.