Page 9 of Frozen Hearts
Willow was vaguely aware of River studying her. River opened her mouth to say something then closed it again.
Sushi ran up and sat in front of Willow. Mel’s dog came up and sat beside Sushi.
“Hello, there,” Willow laughed.
She leaned forward and gave the dog a pat on the head. The dog gave her hand a lick before running off. Willow watchedas he bounded up to Mel. Mel bent down to give his belly a rub. She felt a pang low in her belly. A hint of regret mixed with a touch of heat.
“Are you ready to head home, Sushi?” Willow asked. Sushi gave a howling bark.
“I think that’s a yes,” River laughed.
Willow hooked Sushi’s leash to her collar and walked towards the exit. Similarly, Mel and her friend were taking her dog in the same direction. Willow fought with her fear to try and come up with something to say. Mel had a worried expression on her face as Willow approached. Willow supposed she deserved that. She forced her face to soften.
“What’s his name?” Willow asked, directing her gaze to Mel’s dog.
“His name is Mase,” Mel answered, her tone low and guarded.
“He’s a really good dog,” Willow said as she walked through the gate.
“Thanks. So is Sushi,” Mel said following her out.
Willow breathed a sigh of relief. It was a small step towards peace. Maybe she and Mel were meant to only becordial, but Willow would take it over open hostility. River walked quietly beside her until they got to her house. Once they stepped inside River turned to her with a smile.
“Okay. That was cute,” River swooned.
“What was cute?” Willow asked.
“You and Mel talking about her dog. You were both being so sweet,” River said with a huge grin.
“Okay, no. You stop that right now. There are no butterflies in my stomach. I was attempting to be cordial for your benefit,” Willow insisted.
“Really? You were being nice for my benefit?” River grinned.
“Of course. I heard what you said and I know that conflict makes you uncomfortable. And you’re right. There’s no reason I can’t be cordial with Mel. It certainly seems as though our dogs get along. And Sushi could use an extra doggy friend.”
River shook her head, unbelieving. Willow arranged her features into a neutral expression as River analyzed her.
“You can protest all you want but I think you’re already starting to fall,” River stated. Willow groaned inwardly but kepther reaction muted. There was no way she could fall for someone as self-righteous and haphazard as Mel.
“I don’t have to be friends with the woman to extend basic human niceties,” Willow smiled.
“I won’t lie to you. Where Mel is concerned you definitely have some ground to make up in the charm department,” River laughed. Willow pinned her with a hard stare.
“Thanks, friend,” Willow growled. River gave her a penitent look.
“What I’m trying to say is that I don’t think you dislike her as much as you want me to believe. I think she confuses you. But I saw how she looked at you and how you looked at her. I think if you stop yelling at her long enough there’s a chance you might both be interested in each other,” River said with a hopeful smile.
Willow shrugged her friend off. She wasn’t looking to forge a profound connection with anyone. But it would be nice if she could go to the dog park without feeling awkward when Mel was around. Sushi and Mase had played really well together. Which was a rare occurrence. Sushi was frequently too much for the other dogs around him. Willow glanced over at Sushi who had promptly fallen asleep on his dog bed. It would be nice if he had a regular playmate. There was a large part of Willow that didwant River’s opinion, even if she was a little afraid of it. Willow sat on her couch and watched as River sat next to her.
“Okay. You have me curious. What exactly are your thoughts? Because you obviously have some,” Willow asked. River gave her a bemused chuckle.
“Are you sure? I’m afraid it might come out a little edgier than I want it to.”
“Our friendship can handle a little bit of edginess,” Willow smiled.
“Okay then. I think that you find Mel attractive and that you like her. Or you could like her. But it has only been six months since Amy left. It’s obviously still fresh for you. So you see this woman that you potentially find attractive and you’re determined to tank every interaction with her.” River splayed her hands out in front of her, resting her case.
“Well, that was a lot,” Willow laughed and then asked,