Page 10 of Passionate Hearts
“Hmm, I’m going to point something out and I hope it isn’t out of line. But if it is, we can always back off and talk about something else.”
“Sounds fair. Let’s hear it.”
“Okay. It sounds like you’re doing a lot of helping as far as River’s recovery goes. What exactly is Tiff doing?”
Brianna fought against the urge to answernothing. Instead, she sat and considered the question for a moment.
“She brought food and came for a visit today.”
“But you gave River a ride home from the hospital?”
“And you’re going to be the one helping her around the house?”
“Is there a reason why Tiff can’t be more involved?”
Brianna wanted to be careful with her answer. The last thing she wanted to do was let her own bias dictate her response.
“I’m not sure what her schedule is like right now,” Brianna offered.
Jordan sat with that response for a moment.
“Is a relationship with River something you would be interested in? If she was available and your attraction for her was reciprocated, would you want to try dating her?”
Brianna was a little surprised by the sureness of her own answer. Jordan had asked the question and Brianna hadn’t needed long to know that her answer was an unwavering yes.
“Do you want my opinion?” Jordan asked.
“Yes, I want to know what you think,” Brianna answered. She knew that Jordan could be brutal with the truth but maybe that’s what she needed.
“It’s maybe a little too soon after the accident for you to overthink things. Keep showing up. Keep being there for her. Check in with yourself and stay aware of what you’re feeling. Maybe once the shock of the accident goes away, you’ll realize that you and River aren’t actually compatible. But as time progresses, if your feelings are the same or stronger, then you might need to say something. I wouldn’t be surprised if what you’re feeling is more two-sided than you think. We tend to notice the people who show up for us. Definitely, stick within the boundaries of your friendship. Just don’t count yourself out yet.”
“Maybe,” Brianna conceded.
“But I can’t count on River changing her mind,” Brianna added after a moment of contemplation.
“Of course not. And you shouldn’t try to force it to happen. Just don’t shut yourself off from the idea. You also shouldn’t feel bad for how you’re feeling right now. Sometimes the fear of losing someone brings all kinds of buried feelings to the surface.”
Brianna nodded her head. She had to admit that between Mel and Jordan her head was having a much easier time wrapping itself around her newfound feelings.
“Thank you. That was truly validating.”
“Great. Are you ready for Krav Maga class? Since Reese is out of town, I don’t have a partner for tonight.”
Brianna gave an enthusiastic nod of her head. She loved trying new things. Five minutes into the class, Brianna realized she hadn’t been ready for Krav Maga class. Brianna wasn’t bad, she just had no idea what she was doing. When class was over Jordan gave her a pat of the back and a smile.
“You did good out there,” Jordan said with a wide smile.
“I had no idea what I was even doing,”
“None of us do during our first class. I hope you’ll consider signing up.”
“I’ll think about it,” Brianna laughed.