Page 12 of Passionate Hearts
“Don’t be ridiculous, it wasn’t any trouble. Besides, Willow was excited.”
That much River believed. Willow had been texting her pretty much nonstop since the accident. She knew that her friend had been worried about her. It was only Willow’s polite nature that had kept her from barging into their home.
“Okay. As long as it wasn’t any trouble then I appreciate it.”
“No trouble at all,” Briann smiled again.
Brianna ate her breakfast in a rush. River had always thought Brianna’s morning routine resembled a chicken with its head cut off. She was constantly running from one side of their home to the other or forgetting her belongings. River had often wondered how the woman got anything accomplished. Todaywas no exception. Except today, River didn’t have anywhere that she needed to be. So instead of moving out of Brianna’s way she made herself make the walk to the kitchen. She got out Brianna’s protein shake, energy drink, vitamins, water, and an energy bar for lunch. She lay everything out along the countertop where Brianna would be hard pressed not to see it.
“What’s this?” Brianna asked.
“This is everything you usually take with you. Or at least I think it is. Do you need anything else for the day?” River gave a shy smile.
“No, you covered everything. Did you do this for me?”
“Of course, I did,” River laughed.
Brianna closed the distance between them. She looked at River as if she were a puzzle she needed to solve. Brianna put her arms around River in the softest hug she’d ever experienced.
“I’m not that breakable.” River teased.
“I know. I just don’t want to hurt you,” Brianna answered.
River’s heart melted in her chest. Brianna’s words had touched her somewhere deep and dark. With Brianna’s touch things were a little brighter.
“You’ve been taking such good care of me that I wanted to do something nice for you.”
“I’m happy to take care of you. But thank you. I appreciate the gesture,” Brianna smiled.
River watched as Brianna walked out the door. She took a deep breath. What was Brianna doing to her? The truth was that Brianna wasn’t doing anything to her. Brianna had always been wonderful and considerate. Until now River hadn’t needed to rely on Brianna’s kindness. It had been there when she’d needed it, but River had never depended on Brianna before. Now here she was, injured. River couldn’t go out any time that she wanted. She needed someone to help her. And it had been Brianna, not Tiff, who had stepped up to the challenge. Could she really blame herself if she was looking at Brianna in a different way.
An hour later Willow came over. She brought ice cream with her, which made River’s heart happy. Willow wrapped River up in another careful hug,
“What is it with everyone giving me these delicate hugs today?” River laughed.
“We’re afraid to break you,” Willow answered sternly.
River considered making a sarcastic remark about bouncing off the car that hit her. Ultimately, she decided it was too soon for such jokes.
“Sit down while I make the ice cream.”
River secretly loved it when Willow took charge and told her what to do. It was nice to turn off her brain and be taken careof some times. Not that she would ever let Willow know that. River did as Willow directed and sat down on the couch. After a few minutes Willow sat beside her. She held River’s bowl so that she could scoop spoonfuls of ice cream out. River had never realized how difficult it was eating on someone else’s rhythm. Several times Willow accidentally bumped her in the teeth with the spoon. The process was clumsy and uncoordinated. Though River did appreciate her friend’s efforts.
“What’s new with you and Mel? Have you decided on a big day yet?” River asked.
“We want to wait until next fall to get married. That will give us a chance to save up.”
“How are things with Mom?”
“Mom is good. She’s living in her own place. And she’s keeping out of my business for the most part,” Willow laughed.
“How about Sushi? Where’s my fur nephew?”
“I was afraid Sushi might be a little too rough and tumble for you in your current state,” Willow cringed.
Sushi was Willow’s dog. He and River shared a special bond, where River gave him everything he wanted. Much like an actual aunt.
“How about you? How have you been adjusting since you came home from the hospital?”