Page 37 of Passionate Hearts
“I feel the same way,” River added.
There was a collection of smiles andawwsfrom their friends.
“Has it been a strange transition from being friends into being a couple?” Piper asked.
“Not at all. I think this has been the best of both worlds.”
Brianna offered the group a large smile.
“We already know we can live together. My parents already adore Brianna. It’s been amazing,” River answered.
“Enough about us. Tell us about the two of you and your dating lives,” River directed towards Autumn and Piper.
“I hate dating apps,” Piper laughed.
“I’m probably just going to die alone,” Autumn suggested.
The group laughed. They had all been in their shoes. Modern dating was a shitshow. It mostly involved hoping your date wasn’t going to end up ghosting you or being insane.
“Have you at least been on any good dates recently?” Mel asked.
“I thought I was on a good date last week,” Autumn chuckled.
“You thought you were on a good date?” Willow asked.
“I did. Things seemed to be going really well. We met on a dating app, she suggested we meet at this nice restaurant for dinner.”
“Sounds lovely. What happened?” Mel prodded.
“It turned out that her ex-girlfriend was one of the servers there. The woman had asked me out on a date to make this other woman jealous.”
“No way,” Brianna gasped.
“Yeah. I guess it worked, they ended up leaving the restaurant together,” Autumn laughed.
“That’s awful.” Mel shook her head.
“I can top it,” Piper grinned.
“Let’s hear it,” Brianna encouraged.
“I went out with a woman two months ago. She was so rude. Nothing at the place we were eating was good enough. She was complaining to management so much that she and I didn’t have a chance to talk. She finally got so angry that she threw a shrimp at the manager. He told her she was never allowed to come back and escorted her out.”
“Oh my god. What did you do?” Autumn asked.
“Honestly, I stayed behind and had dinner. I thought the food was great. And the atmosphere was much better after she left.”
Everyone laughed. River couldn’t be paid enough money to go back into the dating world.
“I once had a girlfriend that skipped going to the hospital after I got hit by a car because she had a work thing,” River teased.
Everyone gave a collective groan.
“Seriously, though. Tiff was the worst,” Willow laughed. All her friends nodded their heads in agreement.
“I once went on a date with a girl that dropped me,” Brianna stated.
“Like metaphorically dropped you?” Piper asked.