Page 14 of Ashton
Taking careful steps, I make my way out of the office. I rush down the hall to the restroom, pushing the door open. My body slumps against the sink; with each breath, it feels like a boulder is on my chest. My fingers shake when I try to drag my bag off my shoulder. I can’t believe I let that happen. I should’ve pushed Cameron away, but I sat there and let his greasy hands touch me. With numb fingers, I unzip the stupid bag and find my inhaler.
I stareat myself in the mirror as I take a puff of the inhaler. God, I’m so stupid. I should’ve left sooner or called for Florence. Things could’ve escalated more if Dad hadn’t come down the hall when he did.
My phone buzzes, and my stomach sinks. I can’t tell the guys what happened. I can’t add another thing to our pile of stress. I don’t even want to think about what occurred today. If I tell anyone, it would be Spence; he might give me some advice.
Atticus: Did you need me to walk you to your class?
All I want to do is go back to my room and hide.
Me: Sure, I’m by the office
Atticus: OK, I’ll be there shortly. Don’t move or talk to anyone.
I don’t want to leave the restroom if Cam is still out there lurking. Atticus will know something happened. Cameron can’t hold his tongue and needs to brag about everything. If I don’t tell the guys, Cam will. I’m stuck in a hard place, and I’m not sure what to do.
My phone buzzes again.
“Jesus, Ace, I get it.” I grab my phone again, and my world tilts.
Unknown: What a fuckin’ show today in the office. I didn’t think you would add another man to your group. Where can I sign up?
Me: Leave me alone.
Unknown: No Jinx. I think this photo I took will be my favorite from now on.
My stomach churns at the thought of him staring at a photo of Cam with his hand under my skirt. And I rush into the stall; my knees buckle, and I fall to the floor. Sweat runs down my back as I cling to the toilet bowl, and bile slicks the back of my throat, spilling into the water. I grab some toilet paper and wipe my chin. Leaning against the stall, I can’t think about going out there now.
Atticus will for sure know something is up.
Chapter seven
I know I told Ash that I wasn’t going to be an asshole, but my last nerve is beginning to waste away. When you tell me you’re going to be some place, fuckin’ be there. I try to take a calming breath but fuck that shit. I storm into the office to find Prescott, Cam, Liam, and some preppy douche who looks like he’s trying too hard to get his youth back.
I feel like I stumbled into a secret society because no one has said anything. But the way Prescott is glaring at Cam, I can only imagine what the dipshit did this time. I still don’t trust the prick or his little sidekick for whathappened with Ash. One of them is guilty of drowning him, and I won’t be holding back when I figure it out.
“Atticus, so good of you to join us.” Prescott steps forward. “I was going to make introductions later, but since you’re here. This is Bran. He’ll be taking over as the new coach. Bran, this is Atticus Banks. He’s one of our finest swimmers.”
Bran reaches his hand out for mine, and even if I don’t want to, I shake it.
“Finest? Is that so?”
“No. My brother is the best. If you can keep the team’s captain from trying to kill him, that is.” I quirk a brow at Cam. I want him to say something. Tell me that you did it. I’m waiting.
The coach turns his head to Cam, his eyes bore through him. “He did what now?”
“Don’t listen to him. He’s full of lies. It wasn’t proven.” Cam shoves me, moving me back. And my anger got the best of me. I moved to push him back when Prescott grabbed my shoulder.
“Woah. That’s enough. Back away from each other.”
I back away toward the door. “You watch your back, Cameron. Either he deals with you, or I will.” I point to the new coach, looking him dead in the eyes. “Figure your shit out, or I’m off the team.”
Cam can think that he won by hiding behind the coach, but I’ll win. One way or another, he won’t be smiling forlong. When I step back into the hall, Jinx isn’t there still. My blood boils even more. Where the fuck could she have gone? Pulling my phone out of my back pocket, I find her number. I’m tired of her shit, I get that she doesn’t like us following her around, but that doesn’t give her the right to ditch out on us. She knows anything can happen to her.
Her phone rings before going to voicemail. I hang up and call again. I head down the hall when I hear ringing from the girls’ restroom. If she’s hiding away from me, I swear to God. I crack my neck and breathe deeply. Pushing the door open, I step inside to find it empty.
I push each stall door open until I come to a locked one. “Jinx, I know you’re in here. Come out before I drag you out.” I shake the door, but she hasn’t made a peep. “Jinx, fuckin’ answer me.” Sweat trickles down my spine, and my mind spirals back to when I found Ashton lying on the bathroom floor. I thought for sure that was the day I was going to lose my brother—if I was a minute late. My stomach sinks even further. Without thinking, I open the stall door, finding Jinx curled up on the floor.