Page 31 of Ashton
“Yeah, let’s get this over with.” Ashton opens the door, stepping out first.
I wait until the guys exit before leaving, trying to find my nerves, but I think I left them under my pillow.
“Move it, Odette.” Atticus holds my door open.
I shoot him a glare. “Don’t use my full name.” I shove him aside and storm to the front door. I reach for the door handle and freeze.
“You got this, baby. One deep breath.” Maddox cradles his hand around mine, pressing his chest against my back. I feel him take a deep breath in, and I mimic him. “Ready?”
“Perfect, let’s go.” He pushes the door open, and we’re greeted with the scent of roast turkey.
Maddox groans beside me, and I know I lost him to a meal. Who cooks a turkey for a small get-together? The further we step into the house, the more things unfold. The living room has guests I’ve never seen before. I turn to Ashton, and his eyebrows snap together as he shrugs.
“Mother, what the fuck is all this?” Atticus doesn’t hold back. You can always leave it to him to find some answers.
Serena dramatically places her hand on her chest. With a loud inhale. “Atticus Banks, you shall not speak like that in front of our guests. Show some manners.”
“Show some respect,” I mumble under my breath.
Serena’s head quickly snaps in my direction, reminding me of a creepy doll. “Watch your mouth, you ungrateful child.” Her lip curls in a snarl, and I secretly wish it would stay like that.
Maddox grips my shoulder, steering me into the kitchen before I can say anything back. It was a wise choice because what I have to say probably wouldn’t end in either of our favor. And I promised Dad I would be on my best behavior.
“You have to calm yourself, baby. You can’t anger the beast all the time.”
“I can if she’s being a cuntwaffle, Maddox. She does it purposefully, and I’ll bring her down one day.”
Ifelt his arms slide around my waist and chin resting on my head—I hate being short sometimes.
“The ill wishes of others can be the downfall of the empire. Be careful.”
I tilt my head back, forcing him to move his head until I feel his lips next to mine. “Such wise words,” I say quietly. His hand wraps around my hair, holding me still as he presses his lips to mine. An upside-down kiss is my new favorite thing in the world.
“That’s enough, kids. Break it up,” Dad grumbles. “There are some things a father doesn't want to see, and I’m not ready for this.”
Maddox smiles against my lips before standing me up. “Behave, or I’ll reenact my teenage fantasy later,” he whispers before walking away.
I let out a nervous laugh before turning to Dad. “What’s up with all the people out there?” I point to the living room.
He waves me off. “She’s joining something, I can’t recall. It doesn’t matter what I say. Serena will do what she wants.”
“That isn’t fair to you, Dad. Why are you still with her?” I watch as he preps the vegetables, and his face falls.
“I don’t want to live the rest of my life alone. And if I have to keep what little company I can, I will.”
I can feel my heart drop to my feet. This entire time, Dad could have found someone he cared for instead ofsettling for what he thought he deserved. Hearing Serena’s banshee laugh from the next room makes my skin crawl. Knowing what she’s doing to my dad is making me go insane.
“Pumpkin. What’s going on in that brain of yours?”
“Nothing, don’t worry about me.”
He narrows his eyes but continues to cut his vegetables. At least I didn’t say I was fine, and if I weren’t such a coward, this would’ve been the perfect chance to tell him about my little stalker problem. But every time I want to say it, my throat dries up.
It’s also weird that I haven’t heard fromUnknown.He’s usually up my butt, maybe he’s found another victim—wishful thinking.
“And if you follow me, my amazing husband is cooking us dinner,” Serena’s voice grows louder.