Page 35 of Ashton
“Yeah. I just don’t believe it, that’s all.”
His face crinkled with concern. “Maddox. You have us remember.”
Until I don’t, then what? I’m so dead inside that I’m afraid I won’t feel much of anything soon, not even love.
Chapter sixteen
It’s been two days since the disaster dinner. Jinx has been out of sorts since her talk with Prescott. Even when we asked what they talked about, she wouldn’t tell us about it. She told us not to worry about it and that it was between her and Prescott. That was not the answer I wished for. I wanted to press for more but ultimately held back. Jinx will talk when she wants to.
My mother’s actions are unforgivable, and I’ve been ignoring her calls since. And I’m glad Prescott kicked her out. I would’ve done much worse, but then again, I’m an asshole. Which makes what I’m about to do so fuckin easier.
Swimpractice happens three times a week, and I’ve been scheming at every one of them for revenge against Liam. That cunt needs to pay for what he did to Ash. And from what I heard, he’s planning a party this weekend since Cam can’t do it anymore. I think that’ll be the perfect time to strike.
“Brother, what’s going on in your pea brain?” Ash taps my forehead.
He wiggles his light brows and laughs.
“Fuck off. If I wanted to fuck a dude, I would’ve done it by now. That cocksucker is going down.”
“Yeah, down where?”
“Not on my dick, Ashton. I’m ending him.” I bit the words out, knowing full well he’s enjoying this conversation.
He shrugs. “That tattoo dick of yours might have enjoyed it. But what’s the plan?”
I give him a quick rundown because I usually don’t plan anything; plans can change, and I don’t like change.
“Jinx cannot go to that party. But I need Maddox to help us.”
“She can stay with Spencer. He doesn’t seem up for socializing much, anyway. His Batcave is desperate for help.”
I slam my locker closed, wrapping my towel around my neck. “Good, now let’s scare the shit out of Liam in the water.”
“Watch out for Bran. Just because Coach wasn’t on our ass doesn’t mean this one won’t be. I don’t like how he stares at you. It’s like he wants you.”
“Jesus, Ash. You need your dick sucked or fucked.”
He stops dead in his tracks. “About that. Jinx did suck my dick,” he says softly.
I smiled, knowing how hard it’s been on him. I’ll never forget that night, either. I thought I knew what hell was, but I wasn’t prepared for the nights and weeks following. Picking my brother off the bathroom floor half-dead was never on my list in life. And I never want to do that again.
I reach out, pulling him in for a tight embrace. “I’m proud of you, brother.” Pulling away, I cup his face. “Take things at your pace, though, and don’t force it if you aren’t ready.”
He places his hand over mine. “I know, and Jinx knows that.”
With a final nod, we both leave the change room. Stepping inside the natatorium, the chlorine smell slams into my nose, reminding me how I ended up here every time. I would quit in a heartbeat, but Ash needs me. The new coach, Bran, glares at us as we sit. He can kiss my ass if he thinks I’m coming out here early.
I scan the stands and spot Jinx instantly. Her raven hair hangs loosely curled to the side, exposing her neck, and just thinking about marking it up makes me not want to be wearing this Speedo. Maddox leans over and whispers something in her ear, and her eyes shift to mine.
Later,she mouths.
Yeah, later, for sure.
Bran blows his whistle and officially cockblocks me.