Page 43 of Ashton
“Yeah, it’s not a problem.”
I watch as he walks away, leaving me with so many questions. I wouldn’t call him a geek for being intelligent, but I love the suspenders he wears.
“Teeny, what’s the matter?” Spence sits down, adjusting his glasses.
“Nothing, just someone dropping stuff off for Ashton. Here, food for you.”
He blows a kiss at me before digging in. I’ll never get over how one guy can love food this much; it’s a ham sandwich for fuck’s sake. He shakes his head and grunts.
“No, Jinx. Something is wrong, spill it.”
I lean back in my chair, staring at the ceiling. “Spence, there is so much shit, I don’t even know where to start.”
“From the beginning. I’m not leaving until you spill everything from that small-breasted chest.”
Leave it to him to make fun of my non-existing tits. Amusement glinted in his gray eyes. Even when I want to close up, he has a way of making me smile.
“Edgar flew away two days ago and hasn’t been back. Do you think he left me for good?”
He stops chewing, lowering his sandwich, and his face turns serious. “That bird has been with you since he was a baby. Do you honestly think he would leave you?”
I shrug.
“Teeny, Edgar loves you. He’s probably off getting his little bird dick wet. He’s been in your room for weeks now.”
My lip curls. “Jesus, Spence. Don’t talk like that.”
“What else is eating away at you?”
“Dad and Serena are getting a divorce. I might have escalated things over family dinner, as always. Dad told me she mentioned something about Mom, which was his last straw. I ruined everything, Spencer. Then I kicked the guys out of my life, or at least tried, but they didn’t listen. I need some space from their overbearingness.”
He nodded his head solemnly. “First, you didn’t make your dad do anything. Serena is a giant cunt, and she had this coming. I’m surprised it took your dad this long. Good on him. I don’t wanna see her around this school anymore.” He smirks. “As for those shining twins, goodluck with that. They’ve been hanging in the back of the café this entire time, watching us. They do have boundary issues. But have you ever thought of why they do it?”
“No.” I scoff.
“It’s because they love you but won’t say it.”
“No, they aren’t.” I burst into laughter.
Spence fixed me with a doubtful look like he knew I knew.
They can’t love me. I have too much going on for all that. My phone buzzes on the table, and I’m betting it’s one of the guys.
When I turn it over and read it, my body turns to ice.
Unknown: It’s been forever since I sent you a message. How many days has it been? Doesn’t matter now, does it? I saw you at the house party. I wish it were me you were getting off on, just thinking about it makes my cock hard. One day.
Chapter twenty
I’m drowning again. Without Jinx around, I’m not gonna make it through the darkness. I knew she would lie and leave me again. This is why I don’t trust people. I rev my car, pushing it to go faster. I need to get away. I don’t care where I end up, anywhere, but RWA is better.
I know I shouldn’t be taking it out on her, but I can’t help it. She’s been ignoring me for days, even with the huge concert coming up, and it’s my one and only chance to prove myself. She can’t even show up to practice for me. I was left alone in the hall while everyone else was having a great time with their partner, and I was left dyinginside. Ace told me she had coffee with Spence instead of showing up for me. I’m replaceable.
I’m not even sure why I’m still here. Everyone is better off without me. It’s why my parents left. They knew back then I was a shit person and would drag them down.
My phone rings for the third time, but I ignore it. I don’t care who it is, and they only call when they need something. It’s funny how that works, but when I need them, where are they? Too busy following Jinx around.