Page 45 of Ashton
Her fingers slowly weave into my hair. “Don’t you ever feel like you have to run away from me again. Just because I needed space doesn’t mean I wanted to leave you. Having three guys around all the time is suffocating. But if anything happened to you, Maddox,” her words trail off, a tear lands on my bare chest.
I pull her closer. “I’m sorry, baby. I wasn’t thinking, that’s my problem. I never do.”
“I should’ve worded it better. It’s on me.” She buries her face into my neck. “I’m sorry.”
“I can’t let you take the blame for my problems, Jinx. It’s not your burden; I need to work on myself.”
She sits halfway up, watching me. “But I’m here, and you don’t need to do anything alone. Ashton and Atticus are here as well. Stop doing things alone.”
I’ll always be alone, even with them around. They don’t understand that. I don’t like to depend on others for help. Eventually, they’ll leave me.
Her finger taps my forehead. “Get out of there. Those voices are harmful, and we don’t listen to negative thoughts around here. Now we have a concert in two days, can we still practice together?”
“Seriously?” I shift into a seating position, taking her with me until she’s straddling me. She traces random shapes on my skin, sending shivers down my body.
“My cello is in the living room, wanna show the guys what we’ve been working on?”
I never thought about getting in front of a crowd, let alone a large crowd, until now. What if I royally fuck up? Not only would I be ruining my future, but Jinx’s as well. I can’t do that to her. I was selfish for asking her to be my partner. All I saw was the end goal, getting out and never returning.
“Come on, we’ll head down to Greywood and practice there. It’s just what the doctor ordered.”
She hops off, grabbing her pants. She opened my closet and dug through my hoodies until she found a black one.
“You know there are different colors in the world. Have you tried them yet?”
She chuckles, pulling the hoodie over her head. “I have when I was a child. Then I grew up and realized the world is a dark place.” Her look turns serious.
I might have known her for years, but maybe I don’t know her. I only ever hung out with the twins when she lived at home; it wasn’t until I moved here that I started to talk more with her. I’ve never seen her wear anything but black. A person can’t go through life wearing one shade.
“Are you okay, Jinx?”
“I’m good, just a lot on my mind. Once this concert is over and Von dick hole tells us who he picks, things will be less stressful for me. I’m sure he’ll pick Lula, though.”
I move toward her, cupping her face. “Von would be stupid not to pick you. You are talented.”
“He should pick you if he is smart.” She shrugs.
“Let’s just get through this first and then see what happens. I’m not feeling very optimistic about the future at the moment. I’ll play my best, but that’s all I’m willing to do.”
I move a hand around her hand, pulling her into my chest. Her small hands wrap around my waist, squeezing me tight. “I’ll play my best, too, baby.”
“Good, just don’t get angry and throw a punch when he doesn’t pick you. I’ll do that. I can’t get kicked out of this school.”
“The perks of owning it,” I said with a laugh.
“You know it, big guy.”
Chapter twenty-one
To say that I’m pissed at this entire situation wouldn’t be enough. Jinx is still getting messages from her little stalker. I refuse to call him by his name. To know he was watching her at the party doesn’t sit well with me. How did I not notice him? Liam is being a little bitch about his finger. The entire time at swim practice, he kept complaining to Bran and wouldn’t get in the water. Luckily, he wouldn’t say a word about how he lost most of his pinky. If Liam did, I would take another one.
Now I have no choice but to attend a concert. Mother made a big deal about attending as a family, but I’m unsure why. She hates Jinx and never wanted to do anythingfor her before. After Prescott kicked her out, it’s like she’s trying to make things right. I’m sure that ship has sailed. He doesn’t want her back, and I don’t blame him.
I’ve never stepped foot in Greywood Hall before. Being a band geek wasn’t my thing, but this hall is massive. I figured it was one room, but they have multiple rooms for practices and classes. I follow Ash and the crowd to the concert hall. This school didn’t waste a dime on interior decorations, that’s for sure.
Three rows of red seats flood the first floor to the stage. Looking around, I notice the walls are lined with black panels leading to a curved cathedral ceiling. If a vampire jumps out, I wouldn’t be surprised. When I look at the stage, I notice a black, glossy grand piano sitting in the middle with a spotlight shining on it. I’ll admit it would be amazing to know how to play one, but I wouldn’t have the patience to learn anything but the chopsticks.