Page 41 of Sweet Dreams
All of this was for nothing. I feel closed out, as if Teagan doesn’t need me in her life anymore. Now what the fuck am I supposed to do? Head home and wallow? I lean against the window, only wanting to be close again. Why can’t I let her go?
Is she struggling like I am? I hope not. I hope she can move on without me.
“I’m sorry, Dimples. You need to find a better man, one that isn’t a fuck up.” I grip the necklace, praying she finds someone better.
I slowly walk back to the car, taking in the quietness. Once I’m back in the city, I’ll never hear peace or my thoughts again.
Jace and Ivory looked happy when I found them in the corn maze, and I couldn’t be happier for them. And I felt like a wrung-out wet cat. Just when I thought things couldn’t get worse, my lawyer called this morning for an early morning meeting. I lie in bed praying it’s nothing serious, but shit with Nancy isn’t easy, and I should know better.
I slowly hoist myself up and glance around my room. Perhaps it's time for a bit of change. I’ve been doing the same thing almost daily; I feel stuck in a hamster wheel, never going anywhere. Maybe reopening the shop wasn’t a good idea; perhaps I should’vetaken that vacation when I had the chance, not causing a shitstorm.
Now, I’m afraid it’s too late. I dug myself a grave and now have no choice but to get out of it: me and my big mouth. I eventually move to the closet and try to find something decent that doesn’t scream.I work in a bookstore, and I’m lazy half the time.You don’t realize your wardrobe is lacking until you need to find professional wear.
I grab a black dress since you can’t go wrong there. It’s classy and screams I’m not one to be fucked with. I pull off my nightgown, and the necklace falls against my chest. I touch the heart that’s filled with his blood. It's the creepiest gift I’ve ever received. I reach for the clasp and stop. Something in the back of my mind screams at me to stop. What if he catches me again, and I don’t have it on? I’m over his grabs and fucks. I swear, next time, his balls will meet my fucking knee. Who are we kidding? I damn near begged him last night like an idiot. I crumbled so fast. But the sex—goddamn, it was hot.
I hope my lawyer has good news because I don’t know why he would want to meet with me. I’ve done everything he suggested, even though I’ve secretly hoped for a run-in with Nancy. I grab my bag off the island and my car keys.
I was so caught up thinking about the meetingI almost didn't notice the dark object on the grass in the front yard. I swear, if it’s kids throwing trash on my grass, I’m going to be pissed. The closer I get, the more confused I am.
The mask is flipped over, revealing the cushioned foam on the forehead, an adjustable strap, and a cord leading to the battery pack. If this is what I think it is, that means he came here last night. I kick the mask over, revealing white LED stripes. Like, I figured it was the mask.
I look around, wondering if he’s out here watching me now. I scan the neighbourhood as I slowly back up; deep down, I know he won’t show his face during the day, but secretly, I want him to. I want to know who is behind the mask. I thought I was close last night when I smacked his mask off; if only he weren’t wearing that stupid balaclava under it. I can't quite make out his voice, and it's so muffled that I can't tell if I recognize him or not. That's what bugs me; his speech pattern is just not familiar.
Opening the car door, I take one more peek at the mask; shivers roll down my spine. I can’t think of him today. I have Nancy bullshit to deal with. I back out of the driveway like a mad woman, trying to add distance between me and that mask. That’s a problem for afternoon Teagan.
Fredrickand Jason Law Office, a quiet office tucked behind the only grocery store in town. The building's exterior is all classic red brick, but you're immediately surrounded by luxury when you step inside. The floors are white tile, the walls are white, and there's sleek black leather furniture for clients in the waiting room. It's quite the contrast, but it works.
The lawyers here are cunty as fuck, but they come with a considerable price tag. Unfortunately for me. My lawyer, Sam, comes strolling into the waiting room with my folder tucked under his arm. When he sees me, he shakes his head.
“Teagan, good morning.”
“Morning, Sam.”
He nods for me to follow him, time to get this over with. Whatever happens, happens.
“I got a disturbing phone call from Tom, Nancy’s lawyer, and I figured we should get together before cops were involved,” he says when we enter the small office.
“Why? What did she do?” I take a seat across from him.
He places the folder on the desk, opens it, takes a piece of paper out and slides it toward me. I grab it and try to read lawyer talk.
“I’m not following; what does this mean?”
“It seems some vandalization happened at Nancy’s house last night, and she’s accusing you.”
“Hold the fucking phone. I was at home. Does she even have proof that it was me, or is she just saying this because she hates me and cause I may or may not have threatened her cunty ass?”
Sam grins. “She’s saying you threw a bottle of liquor at her house last night.”
“The fuck. I have better shit to do than waste booze on her. What does this mean now?”
“She’s becoming unhinged, and I shouldn’t say that, but it’s true. I’m unsure why she has it out for you Teagan, but I would be careful. I wouldn’t put it past her to push you so she can get a restraining order. Don’t get violent. That’s all I can say.”
“Great, so I have to watch myself while she goes on her merry way, tormenting people still. How is that fair?”
He shakes his head. “Life isn’t fair, but jail isn’t where you want to be.”
Perfect. I get punished for something I haven’t done, and Nancy gets away with being a dick. This isn’t how I was expecting this morning to go. At this point, I might as well try and grow eyes on the back of my head because, at this rate, I’ll never survive.