Page 54 of Sweet Dreams
I observe a beefed-up dude with muscles for days strut out of the door. He stands on the steps and lights a smoke. He scans the neighbourhood and then spots my car. My body lowers in the seat involuntarily when he walks toward me. Being here wasn’t the brightest idea, then again, I wasn’t expecting Hercules to come storming across the street.
He taps on my window with his knuckles and points down. “Roll down the window, miss.” His deep voice vibrates inside the car.
I open the window about an inch. I don’t know this guy hells if I’m opening it all the way. He chuckles and shakes his head. “You know, if I wanted to get inside the car, I could always force my way in.”
Fuck, he has a point. I roll it down, and he leans in, folding his arms on the door and grins.
“Can I help you?” I ask, leaning away from him.
“Ithink that’s my line. Wanna tell me why you're stalking houses?” He raises a dark brow.
I touch my chest and fake shock. “I’m not stalking. Who would do such a thing?”
“You. Spill it, what did my boy do to you?”
So he is one of Silas’ friends. Or is this a work friend? Does he also steal cars? I have so many questions I want to ask.
“I’m not saying anything to you. I don’t even know you. Why would I bare my soul to you?”
He shrugs; his muscles tighten when he does. “I’ve been told I’m a good listener. And if he did anything to hurt you, I won’t stand for it.”
I bite my lip. The urge to tell him everything that has happened is on the tip of my tongue. Does he even care that his so-called friend duped me into believing that he was a good guy, but in the end, he’s nothing but a lying dirtbag?
“Sugar, it’s okay. Silas is a hard guy to understand. Believe me, I’ve known him for years, and he still doesn’t open up to me. He didn’t have an easy life, and his trust in others doesn’t come easy. But if he hurt you, I need to know.”
I stare at Silas’ house, wondering where he is inside. “He didn’t hurt me physically.” I turn to look at Hercules. “But he destroyed me. I trusted him, and he threwit all away for what? I don’t understand why he would do it.”
“What did he do?” his voice drops low.
“He pretended to be someone he wasn’t. Silas had so many chances to come clean and never took it. Why hide? He took advantage of me, and I looked like an idiot.”
He drops his head. “Fuckin’ idiot,” he mumbles. He looks back at me. “The mask?”
“Yeah, how’d you know?”
“He’s been hiding behind that thing for years; it's almost like his security blanket when he meets someone new. But he doesn’t know how to take it off. He’s been scared to be his true self, and I’m afraid he no longer knows how. But I promise, Sugar. He’s in that house, and all he talks about is you and how he fucked it up. You're the first one who has really seen him for who he is and never once tried to pressure him for more than he was willing to offer.”
I’m at a loss for words. If Silas had been upfront, all of this could’ve been avoided. His friend shouldn’t be the one that has to explain it. Why can’t I hear this from Silas?
“It’s not fair, that’s all.”
“I know it’s not, but I promise it’ll get easier.”
“How are you such a wise one onrelationships?”
He shakes his head. “I’ve been through my share of heartache and learnt my lessons many times over. But I’ve never got a second chance.”
“If you were to have a second chance, would you take it?”
“In a heartbeat, Sugar.”
His words sink in, but I’m not ready to forgive Silas yet. Maybe someday I’ll be ready to try again, but not yet.
“I should get going. My stalker days are finished.”
“Did you get everything you needed?”
“I guess. You can tell Silas Blaine fixed his Rover, so maybe you should cause the damage next time.”