Page 56 of Sweet Dreams
“Where does he live?”
I laugh and look at Buck. “Where do you think?”
“With his parents? What does his dad do?” Weldon asks.
Now that I think about it, I never asked about his dad. I always assumed he worked for the town; maybe I’m wrong. The guys stare at me, but I don’tknow what to say. The Montgomery’s are a mystery to me. No one in this town talks about them.
“If he lets his woman and son cause terror, he’s gotta be a pussy.” Griff beamed like he discovered a prize.
“I think we get the whole family,” Leroy says, shrugging.
I hold up my hands. “Okay, this is getting out of hand. This isn’t why I asked you all here. Originally, it was to get Nancy. Now the focus is on identifying who is to blame for the destruction of Teagan's shop, rather than condemning an entire family.”
“Yeah, but dragging the whole family makes it more fun, don’t you think?” Weldon casually leans back on the couch, folding his arms behind his head.
Oh, this is going to go wrong in so many ways.
“Gather the gear. We leave at sundown.” Leroy claps his hand, always in charge.
Even outside of the city, Leroy acts in charge. I’m not going to argue this might have been my idea, but I can’t lead for shit. We all break into our areas, getting our gear ready, but I can’t help but think of Teagan. Why did she stop in today? It’s the one thing I can’t get out of my head. Did something happen? I need to push it out of my mind and focus on this task, or I’ll blowit.
Leroy is determined to drive, so I hop in the front seat, and the guys pile into the back of the SUV. I direct Leroy to where Nancy’s house is, and it turns out it’s the place where I threw my bottle of vodka. Who knew? I hope I made the right decision with this.
We pull into Holden’s wealthy neighbourhood as the sky is darkening. Silence fills the SUV as everyone mentally readies themselves for tonight. Failure is not an option. Griff and Weldon check their guns, and Buck has his eyes closed. I'm unsure if he’s sleeping or imagining what he’s about to accomplish. Either way, I’m not going to touch him. I like my life.
“We should park here and watch the house until we know who’s all coming and going. Since we don’t know much about the husband, we can’t go barging in yet.” Leroy pulls the vehicle over so we can keep an eye on the house.
“And what do we do if no one comes or goes?” Buck drawls out.
“Then we force our way in.” Griff cocks his gun.
This isn’t gonna end well, and Griff will go in guns a blazin’ because that’s what he always does. And he's always left scratching his head, wondering why Leroy is so against the idea of him participating in carjacking. It's like he's oblivious to the fact that he never considersthe consequences or takes the time to listen to Leroy's concerns.
Do I feel bad that I never told Teagan the entire truth about what I do? Maybe a little, but she doesn’t need to know this side of the business. I don’t need her wrapped up in kidnapping and everything else we do. This life isn’t for her; she’s too good for it.
“Heads up, we have movement.” Leroy straightens in his seat.
Weldon moves his way in between Leroy and me and watches as a black Mercedes pulls into the driveway. “Who’s that?”
“I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say the husband.”
“You’re an ass, Silas.”
“Ask a dumb question, get a dumb answer.”
“Will you two be quiet, I swear you’re worse than children,” Leroy says from the corner of his mouth, too busy to look at us.
I didn’t believe my eyes when I saw a tall, slim guy with salt and pepper hair emerge from the car. He wasn't at all who I expected to be Nancy's spouse. I had imagined someone young and fit, able to handle her antics. He grabs his briefcase, stops, opens it and answers his phone. He throws his hand in the air and points to the house.
“Dudes pissed with whoever called him,” Buck points out.
I watch as he opens the car door and climbs back in. “Should we follow him?”
“I’m thinkin' so, whoever called has to be either Nancy or Blaine because no one pisses off the man of the house more than a loved one.” Leroy starts the car and pops it into gear. He waits until Mr. Montgomery passes us before making a U-turn.
“I was kinda hoping to see inside that house,” Griff mumbles, fixing his eye patch.
“No, you wanted to see what you could steal. Why lie about it,” Weldon laughed as he spoke, moving back into his seat.