Page 53 of My Wife
I hold up my hands. “No.”
“No?” echoes Clay. His lips twitch, amused. “You going to deny your husband? Your lover? You never have before.”
His free hand ghosts over his pocket. I know what’s in there. The dirty, used condom from earlier is stashed inside kind of fucking trophy.
“You’re sick,” I spit at him. “I already gave you what you wanted, Clay. Now you wantmore?”
His eyes flash. “I wanteverything.”
I know. That’s why he snuck into my bed and fucked me, purposely letting me believe that it was Tommy who came all over me. When Clay admitted that to me after I found Summer and Madison, it didn’t make sense. I mean, I believed him. Part of me knew instinctively that the man with the husky voice and the possessive touch had to have been my husband. Once I knew the truth, that he wasalive, I knew it was him.
But Tommy…
Summer is dead, yet I still can’t bring myself to regret one of our last exchanges. She thought she could accuse me of murder, and I responded by throwing it in her face that my alibi revolved around Tommy and me fucking. I remember how pissed she looked, and I thought it was because she hated how I one-upped her. Of course, now I know it’s because she was blackmailingmyboyfriend into fucking her on the regular. If Tommy and Clay were working together toward murder, just like Billy Loomis and Stu Macher, maybe that night was all part of the plan.
Clay got his chance to have sex with me before I learned the truth while Tommy was… what? Fucking Summer? There’s nodenying that they were together, supposedly searching for Tyler and Vee, but was that what they were really doing? Tommy wasn’t with me, though, and when I threw it in Summer’s face that I thought hewas, he never reacted. He went along with it instead of being confused that I was covered in come like I claimed, but it wasn’t his.
Did he think I was making it up to annoy Summer? Or did he keep from reacting because he alreadyknewthat Clayton Rivers fucked me while he was indisposed?
Is that why he wants to fuck me now?
Everything about Tommy changed the moment Clay pulled out the bottle of lube. Before, he was careful, letting Clay explain their grand plan, ducking his head a little when Clay confessed that this was all Tommy’s initial idea, that he’s spent ten years plotting a way to get me back in his life for good.
Because he couldn’t be without me. Because he managed to convince Clay that, even while I wear his ring, Tommy had the prior claim to me. Like he ‘called’ me by being my first fuck, my first love, and he’d rather take his turn however he could than know I’d never be with him.
But Clay… he was myhusband. He won. He pursued me, he did every dirty trick in the book he could when we were kids to convince me to choose him over Tommy. For fuck’s sake, we had a full-blown affair for months before I finally confessed to my high school sweetheart that I was running away to New Jersey with his best friend… Clay would lose it whenever another guy paid me any attention, but he’s willing to share me with Tommy?
And that’s why, I realize as Tommy watches me with an expression of desire, need, and fuckinghope. It’s not just some guy. It’s Tommy, and though I’m clearly still technically married since Clay’s alive, I don’t think I was that far off-base when I suspected he was going to propose to me during our stay on the island.
Both of these men want forever. They want it so badly that they’vekilledin order to get it, and now that they’ve laid their offer at my feet, they expect me to sacrifice myself to them next.
Only I’m not their next victim. I’m the final girl in this slasher film. I’ve survived, and my prize for making it to the end of this horror movie is the two killers taking their turns fucking me.
No. I see the expectant look on Clay’s face as he gives the bottle of lube a little shake. I see the hunger on Tommy’s. Clay’s not-too-subtle gesture toward his pocket. The way Tommy is prowling slightly, his body coiled, everything about him telling me he’s ready to pounce.
I glare at Clay. “Damn it, Clay. You really are a sick fuck, aren’t you? You didn’t fuck me in the ass because you knew that’s something I’ve only ever done with you. You did it because you planned on doing it again in front of Tommy and wanted to make sure I was ready.”
Tommy winces. Looks like I hit a sore spot when I mentionedmynewly sore spot. For all their talk of making this a threesome where both of the guys are devoted for me, Tommy is as jealous as Clay is. He asked me once for anal, I flatly refused, and he never mentioned it again.
Now he knows why, and I make a note of how he reacts.
They think they own me. They think I’ll just listen and do what they want because theykilledfor me.
We’ll see about that.
Clay doesn’t even deny my accusations. “You’re mostly right, Cyn. I love your pussy, but that ass is mine. Some things should be saved for your husband.” He growls out the world, making it even more obvious that Clay thinks the title means something extra to him. That it’s something else that Tommy can’t claim… “But I don’t plan on just fucking your ass in front of Tommy. There’ll be plenty of time for that once we’re off this goddamn island. But tonight? We’re going to show you what it took us toofucking long to accept. You belong to both of us. That means you’re going tofuckboth of us.” He twists the cap off the lube. “At the same time.”
My traitorous pussy clenches as I instantly imagine what it would be like to have both Clay and Tommy inside of me at the same time.
I could do it. I’m pretty confident I can. Maybe if Clay hadn’t already shoved his thick cock into my ass already tonight—or he didn’t have that bottle of lube—I’d be looking for a way to get past these two guys before they fucked me in half. If they were careful not to hurt me, I think I could take them both at the same time… I’ve just never thought I ever would.
Fuck.Fuck. Is this my punishment or another ‘gift’ from my husband? I loved Clay with everything I had. More than that, I trusted him with all the secret, dark parts of me that not even Tommy’s ever seen.
This isn’t just their twisted fantasy come true. It’s alsomine.
I mentioned it to Clay once. When we were first fucking like bunnies all over his empty house, exploring each other, exploring our sexualities… I asked him if we could bring Tommy into our game. That’s what it was. Before I loved him, I was so incredibly sexually combustible with him, I would’ve burned even without his damn touch.
His reaction still haunts me to this day. He swore, if I ever fucked another man—even Tommy—that he’d kill him, then himself. Not me. Never me. But he couldn’t live with knowing that I ever wanted anyone more than I wanted him.