Page 10 of When He Protects
Sure, he could. “She went out on the library’s balcony. She crawled across that five-inch-wide ledge that runs on the side of this freaking mansion.” He poked his head outside and looked up at the ledge. Too freaking narrow. And with the rain?Slick.He ducked back in and glared at her. “You could have broken your neck,” he rumbled, angry. “You shouldn’t take risks like that.”
“Ah, I hate to point this out, butyouwere the one who wanted to go for a stroll along the ledge,” Esme reminded him, voice mild and helpful. “I was the one who showed you the secret passageway. Because I am a great asset to law enforcement that way.”
Tyler grunted. “How’d you know about the secret passage?”
She smiled at him.
He almost forgot to breathe.Mental note, her smile is lethal.He sucked in a breath. “If I ask Jorlan right now, will he tell me that he showed you that passageway?”Or did you find it when you scoped out the building, while you were planning your theft?
She leaned toward him. Conspiratorially, she revealed, “Jorlan isn’t really someone you should trust. So, don’t go taking his words at face value. The man can lie easier than he breathes.”
He took that as a no. Jorlan hadnotshown her the passage. “What about you? Are you someone I should trust?”
Her long lashes fluttered. “Don’t I look trustworthy?”
Another mental note,when she deflects, she lies.
Gray tapped him on the shoulder. “What exactly is occurring here?”
“Your U.S. Marshal friend isn’t letting me leave.” A definite forlorn tone trembled in her voice. “After my excruciating night, after the way I bravely put myself between your friend and a gun…did he even tell you about that, ah—I’m sorry, what was your name?”
“Agent Grayson Stone.”
“Right. Grayson.” A nod. “I stepped between Tyler and a pointed gun, trying to save his life because that is just the kind of person I am?—”
A disbelieving snort broke from Tyler.
For the moment, she ignored that oddly adorable snort. “And now, he’s turning on me. Accusing me of—of committing some sort of crime here tonight, when all I wanted to do was help law enforcement.”
Tyler shook his head. “Don’t buy the act, buddy,” he advised Gray. “She broke into Jorlan’s bedroom. She cracked his safe.”
No change of expression showed on Esme’s lovely face.
“And then she took his diamonds. She walked back across the ledge that led from his bedroom to the library, and Esme was in place before I could open the library door. Damn.” Another shake of his head. “You are good, lady.”
“That’s a crazy story,” she murmured.
“If it hadn’t been raining, there would have been nothing to tip me off. But your hair was damp.” He looked at her dress. It didn’t look damp, but it was so dark that it would be hard to tell if there were wet spots on it. Hard to tell, unless you were touching the dress.Touching her.
“Wait. Hold up.” Gray’s fingers rose to pinch the bridge of his nose. “Shehas the diamonds?”
“I’m going to search you,” Tyler told Esme.
“Don’t you need permission for something like that?” All innocence, she tipped back her head. The dark curtain of her hair trailed down her shoulders.
He stared back at her and then smiled.Baby, you just admitted your guilt.And he could see it in her eyes. She knew it, too.
“Dammit,” Esme swore. Then she lifted her hands. “Have at it. What do I have to hide? Frisk away.”
“Uh, Tyler…” Gray began.
But Tyler was already searching her. Not the top of her body. The top of the dress was far too damn tight for that. But it billowed at her legs. Especially near that tempting slit of fabric that revealed so much thigh. His hands carefully patted up her left leg. Found nothing.
Then he went to her right and…
He lifted up the silky fabric of her dress—slightly damp fabric—to reveal the small, black bag that was strapped to one supple upper thigh. A supple, gorgeous thigh.