Page 21 of When He Protects
His gaze sharpened on her. “You’re the one who wanted me.”
He inhaled. Absolutely delicious. Was that perfume? Body lotion? Tyler shook his head. “Rules.”
“Right. I am waiting eagerly to hear them.” She motioned with one hand as if to say,bring them on.
And he was leaning far too close to her. As if he might kiss her. So Tyler jerked back. “You follow my orders. If danger is closing in, I won’t have time to explain myself. You’ll need to do what I say without any hesitation.”
Had that been too easy? Her response felt too easy. “I’m picking the location that we will use. While Gray and his team are trying to contain the people after you, I’ll hide you. I’ll give you a new identity. I’ll make sure you keep breathing.”
“I do like to breathe. One of my very favorite things.”
His jaw clenched. She was screwing with him. Tyler was certain of that fact. “Youwill play the role of my wife. In public, we’ll need to touch each other. To act like we’re in love.”
“Just in public?” A little pout pulled down her lips.
He was not going to let her derail him and his list of rules. “In private, I am your guard. I am the person in charge. You will take no risks that make you vulnerable. You will leave your phone behind. You will not contact any friends or family unless I tell you it is safe to do so. I’m sure the Feds will handle things with your father.” He took a step back. “Is there a boyfriend who will cause problems when you suddenly vanish?” And why had his voice just gone harder?
She shook her head. “No one will care when I vanish. You and I can ride off into the sunset right now and no one will miss me.”
He doubted that. A woman like Esme would always bemissed. For clarity, though, he stated, “We’re not riding off. We’re doing a job.” And speaking of the job... “You have to cooperate with Gray and his team. You don’t hold back with them. You tell the Feds and the CIA what they need to know. Cooperation is the price of my protection.”
A small click reached him as she swallowed. “Then, of course, I am only too happy to cooperate. But, my protection detail has to begin first. Protection, then full cooperation. Seeing as how the charming Feds and CIA have leaked my location and proclaimed to some very bad people that I’m the Fox, it stands to reason that I need to get out of this station immediately.” Her right foot tapped on the floor. “So, new husband, when does your job begin? When will you be rushing me to safety?”
His hand extended and closed around her wrist. “Right the hell now.” Because she was right, and he knew it. The location was compromised. She was compromised. He had to get her the hell out of there.
Before killers came straight to the door.
He turned for the door.
And it flew open.
A man in a crisp, white shirt and a blue suit stood on the threshold. A shining badge was pinned to his hip, and the bulk of his holster was clear to see beneath his left arm. The overhead light hit the lenses of his glasses as the guy lifted his chin. “I’m here for prisoner transport.”
“Uh, Tyler?” Esme bumped into him. Tyler still clasped her right hand. Her left rose to press against his back. “What’s he talking about? I’m not going to be transported anywhere without you, right? Seeing as how you’re my new ride or die buddy?”
He didn’t answer her. He was too busy evaluating theman in front of him. “Who the fuck are you?” Tyler demanded of the guy blocking his path.
“FBI Special Agent Patrick O’Donnell. And I’m here to transport the prisoner.” His jaw hardened. “I was told that she was in here alone. Exactly who the hell areyou?”
Tyler ignored the question. “You’re not transporting her anywhere.”
“Yes, I am.” The man advanced into the interrogation room. “Direct orders.” His eyes narrowed on Tyler. “You’re no Fed.”
Was that a guess? “Is it the t-shirt? Is that what is giving me away?” Tyler shook his head as he raked the other man’s attire with a disdainful glance. “Feds always wear such boringly predictable suits.”
Patrick’s eyes narrowed behind his glasses. “I’m moving the prisoner. Got transport instructions from Grayson Stone. Now get out of the way and let me do my job.”
“Tyler?” A nervous squeak from Esme.
“Would a hitman really be such a dumbass as to walk straight into an FBI office?” Tyler wondered. He let go of Esme’s hand. Moved his body slightly so that he was fully in front of her. With his build, he could shield her completely.
Patrick swallowed. His hand also inched toward the bulk of his holster. “That’s why she’s being moved. This location is no longer secure enough for her. Anyone could try to bust in and get her.”
Not just anyone. Not in an FBI office. It would take quite the professional to gain entrance and to get say…all the way into the interrogation room with Esme. It would certainly take someone who was very good at faking being an FBI agent. Someone who knew all the right things to say and exactly how to blend in with the Feds. Someone who was skilled at being a chameleon. A real professional. “Gray didn’t give you any transport instructions.”