Page 34 of When He Protects
“But I’m not like them. I’m very good at reading people. It’s a particular talent I have. And I know your apology isn’t legit. You’re just trying to get under my skin. You think if you get close enough to me, I’ll reveal all of my deep, dark secrets to you.”
He was so close that their bodies were brushing. So close that it would barely take an inch more, and he could have his mouth on hers. “You’re supposed to reveal all of your deep, dark secrets to the Feds,” he reminded her. “It’s part of your protection deal. You stay alive, and in return, you share those secrets.”
Her right hand flew up. Pressed against his jaw. “But there are secrets…” Soft. “And then there aresecrets.”
“What the hell does that mean?”
“Figure it out.”
“I can’t figure out anything about you yet.” He was trying, though.
“Give yourself some time. You will. I have faith in you.”
He sucked in a breath and lurched back as if she’d just burned him.
Esme glowered. “What is it now?”
His phone rang. Vibrating and pealing from back in the den. But he hesitated.
“Oh, please.” Esme rolled her eyes. “Don’t let me hold you up. Go grab the call. I’m sure only a very select few have your number and the call no doubt has something to do withmycase.” She shooed him with her hands.
“We’re not done,” he warned grimly.
“I don’t think we’re ever starting but, whatever.”
The phone pealed again.
He stalked back to the den and scooped up the phone. She’d been right. Only a select few individuals did have this particular number, and Gray was one of those few. Tyler put the phone to his ear. “Checking in already?”
“I’ve got a dead man in a cell,” Gray returned bluntly.
“What?” Tyler’s grip tightened on the phone.
“Your lady’s would-be hitman? The prick who pretended to be a Fed? Found him dead in a cell this morning. Looks like he was shanked, only are you ready for the fun part?”
“Thereisa fun part?”
“He was alone in the fucking cell. All night. I’d given strict orders for him to be kept away from any other prisoners. And the security camera for his area went off-line just after midnight. A security failure that wasn’t discovered until this morning.”
“Exactly. This mess is screaming inside job, and you know how I hate it when things get fucked to hell that way.” A long exhale from Gray. “Thought you might also like to know that the five-million-dollar bounty on your lady’s head?”
“She’s not mine.”
A sniff.
His head whipped to the side. Esme wasright there. As in less than three feet away. Clearly close enough to hear his words.
Her arms were crossed over her chest. “I’m not exactly claiming you, either,” she informed him with a glower.
“How the hell do you keep getting so close without making a sound?” Tyler demanded.
She shrugged.
“Uh, Tyler? You listening to me?” Gray asked. “Because this is kind of important, but sure, I can hold if you need to deal with some domestic crap right now.”