Page 57 of When He Protects
“Tell me no if you don’t want this. Us.” He didn’t move. “It can end now, Esme.” But once they crossed this line, it would be too late.
“I don’t want it to end now.” She moved to her knees before him. Her hand pressed to his chest. “You kissed my scar. Do I get to kiss yours?”
Too late. She was kissing them. Brushing her lips over wounds that had stopped hurting long ago. Using such care. Tenderness. When was the last time he’d had tenderness? There wasn’t a hell of a lot of that in his world.
There was violence. There was punishment. There was evil.
Tenderness? That just came with Esme.
Her fingers went to the top of his jeans. Unhooked the snap. Pulled down the zipper.
His hand closed around her wrist. “I don’t have scars down there.”
“I should check, just in case.” She leaned down. Her mouth feathered over his dick. Her breath blew lightly against the sensitive head.
He was fully erect. So hard he hurt. All he wanted to do was shove deep and hard into her core and make her scream for him again.
Then she took his dick into her mouth.
He locked his legs. Stared down at the sexiest sight in the world and tried to not come right then and there. But seeing his dick slide past her plump lips, seeing her take him inside shredded his control.
So. Fucking. Hot.
Her tongue rolled over him.
He wasdone.He pushed her back onto the bed. A light, sexy laugh spilled from her. No laughter came from him.Tyler was too far gone, and he knew it. He ditched his jeans and kicked them away. He grabbed the condom. Rolled it on. No words came from him. Not like he could manage speech. Though he probably did growl as he came down on top of her.
Esme reached for him eagerly. A mistake, that. Because her eagerness just made him want her all the more. Her legs were parted, and he went right between them. He put the tip of his dick against her straining core. Her hands grabbed his shoulders, and her nails bit lightly into his skin.
He should ask if she was ready. If she could take him.
“Don’t make me wait any longer,” Esme breathed.
Yeah, right. Like he could. He thrust deep into her. Hard and deep and…fucking fuck.She was tight. Squeezing all along the length of his dick and it was all he could do not to come right the hell then. She felt like a hot, tight paradise. Heaven. Clamping along every single inch of his dick and making him lose his mind.
She’d gone still beneath him. Tense.
Too tense.
“Esme,” he snarled her name. Snarls and growls and grunts were all he could manage.
Her eyes opened. Her breath came out in quick heaves.
Had he hurt her?Can’t hurt Esme. Never her.
“Give me just a sec.” A quick, nervous smile came and went. Her smile made his heart feel funny. “Been a while. And you are…way big.”
He growled.
Her eyes widened. “Did you just getbigger?”
Yeah. For her. Every instinct he had demanded that he withdraw, then plunge again. Thrust frantically toward a savage, brutal release that would rock them both.
But she wasn’t ready.