Page 85 of When He Protects
Tyler had been knocked out by the force of the blast. Did he even knowwhyhe’d been knocked out? Probably not. They’d been hurtling through the air. She’d been over his shoulder. Because of the way the blast had sent them flying, when they landed, sheshouldhave been on the bottom. Esme knew she should have been the one who took the brunt of the impact. Her headshouldhave been the one that slammed into the ground right before Tyler’s body came crashing down on her.
Only things hadn’t happened that way. Because even as they tumbled toward the unforgiving earth, Tyler had twisted his body. Twisted them both. He’d cushioned her. In the end, she’d landed on top of him. His body had slammed into the ground. His head had made a sickening thud as it connected.
His arms had been around her one moment. In the next instant, they’d fallen away as his whole body went limp. She’d been absolutely terrified.
Kane had told her that her screams had beeneven louder than the blast. Probably an exaggeration, but she’d been screaming her head off so, maybe.
Tyler hadn’t been moving. She hadn’t been able to get him to wake up. And when she’d touched the back of his head, his blood had coated her fingers.
In that one, terrifying instant, Esme had come to some very important conclusions. Conclusion one?I’ll protect you from here on out.Because her priorities had shifted.
That tended to happen when the man you loved nearly died saving your life.
The man I love.
She was still fully adjusting to that truth. She’d dreamed of him for so long. Painted him as the perfect hero in her mind as she followed his exploits from a distance. Honestly? She’d been afraid that she built him up to be larger than life.
Then his life had nearly drained away right in front of her.
She blinked. One of her hands was twined with his. She’d hauled the chair closer to the bed during the night, scraping it across the floor. Her legs were tucked under her, and a scratchy blanket that one of the night nurses had brought in covered her body.
“Why do I feel like you just went a million miles away from me?” Tyler asked.
“I didn’t go anywhere.” Her fingers squeezed his. “Still right here.”
His thumb stroked over her knuckles. “You didn’t have to stay the night.”
“You’re here. Where else would I go?”
“With Kane.”
Her brows climbed.
“You could have gone with him. He would have kept you safe until I got clear from this damn place.”
Ah, back to growling. Someone was as bad of a patient as he was a morning person.
Which reminded her…
She hadn’t done one single good thing that day. And it wasn’t evenearlymorning. Closer to ten. No…her gaze darted to the clock. Eleven. The doctor was supposed to be in soon and hopefully, they’d be getting out of that hospital.
“We both know Kane did offer me a place to stay,” Esme said. Such a nice way of phrasing things. Kane had tried to force her into leaving with him. There had been no offer. He’d picked her up and tried to carry her out of the hospital room while Tyler glowered.
So she’d kicked Kane in the shin and threatened to scream until every security guard in the place came running.
Kane had seen the wisdom in letting her remain at her husband’s side.
“I politely declined,” Esme reminded Tyler as she unfolded her legs and stretched slowly.
He released her hand. “Would have been safer for you to go with him. I could have met up with you later.”
Her fingers curled, then flexed. “Yes, but if that had happened, who would have protectedyou?”
He sent her a frown. “I don’t think the bomb was meant for me.”
“Shh.” She pushed the covers aside and hopped to her feet. Esme stood by the side of his bed. Actually, she gave a bit of thought to climbing into that bed with him.I was too worried. No way was I letting you go.“You aren’t supposed to mention the b-word.” A shake of her head. “As far as everyone in town is concerned, there was a gas line leak atan old house. A terrible situation, but luckily, the two newlyweds escaped with only minor injuries.”