Page 48 of Dining for Love
“None of this isreal!” I blurt, my heart racing. “You, me…it’s not real.” I exhale and keep my eyes on my shaking hands.
Silently, he reaches over and wraps his palms around them.His touch is so calm, so reassuring. Finally, he speaks. “Does it feel real?”
I swallow.
“Because if it does, then maybe we take it for what it is.”
“What is it?” I whisper.
“A gift,” he answers softly. “A beautiful gift that I can’t turn away from, no matter how hard I try.”
My gaze snaps to his. Those gorgeous greens are filled with sincerity and tenderness, and his voice is thick when he speaks again. “Come over.”
Yes. No.Yes. Never in my life have I identified more with the concept of an angel on one side and a devil on the other, arguing with each other about what their person should do.
He must see my hesitation, because his eyes darken as they sweep over my body. I feel every inch of his perusal. “Come on, Willa Dean. What’s a few minutes?”
I fake a scowl. “It’s just Willa.”
He laughs gently and gets out of the cab, meeting me on the other side as I’m stepping out with Midnight.
“Want me to take her?”
“I’ve got her.” I slide out of the truck, knowing that I have a choice to make: Go to my house and put the final nail in the coffin of whatever this is with Reid before it starts, or go to his and let myself enjoy him the rest of the time he’s here.
Chapter 16
ITAKE A deep breath, then head up the stone path to his porch. Reid unlocks the door and steps back for me to enter first.
I cross the threshold, looking around as I do. It’s a little too beach chic for my taste, but tidy. White walls decorated with generic prints and frames that the owner probably got from TJ Maxx, and there’s an Oriental rug that’s seen better days on the floor. I let Midnight down, and she immediately turns to swat at my hands, ready to do battle. We play for a minute.
When I stand and turn back around, Reid’s there in front of me, his forest-green eyes deep with desire as he takes me in.
Oh, God.
I breathe in, and it’s my undoing. He smells so freaking good. How can anyone smell so good after yoga and a walk on the pier?
“Willa.” He exhales my name in a whisper, as though he’s begging for something.
“Reid.” My own voice is unsteady. I can’t think when he’s this close.
He reaches up and brushes my hair back, then moves mybangs away from my eyes. I’m not sure I’m breathing. His thumb, rough and calloused and panty-melting, swipes at my cheek. Then, across my lips.
On instinct, my tongue darts out to lick it. His eyes darken even further, a predatory glint shining out of them.
“Willa.” He growls it this time.
And something inside me just…snaps.
I jump into his arms, because suddenly I’m someone who does that sort of thing, and he grabs me without hesitation.
Our lips meet. This kiss isn’t soft and tender. It isn’t romantic.
It’s hot.
Teeth clash and tongues war and moans come out of the both of us as I grind my hips against him.