Page 73 of Dining for Love
I get ready for work, then meet Willa to grab Midnight as she’s leaving for her shift. I lean down for a kiss. “Isn’t this better than using Agatha’s car as a hiding spot from me?”
She reddens. “You saw that?”
I chuckle, the adorableness of her blush calming me a little asI tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. “Willa. I saw everything. Including your beautiful tits that first day you undressed in your house when I was in my backyard.”
She shoves at me playfully. “Rude.”
I hold my hands up. “It wasn’t on purpose, I swear! How was I supposed to know you were giving strip shows to your neighbors on the daily?”
She twists her lips. “Uh-huh.”
We walk to our separate cars and she gives Midnight a scratch beneath her chin. The kitten launches her motor purr. “See you later?”
I grin. “Of course.” As I turn away, she calls my name. I look back.
“You okay?”
Damn this woman and her perceptiveness. “I’m good.”
She’s unconvinced, that much is clear, but she nods and smiles at me anyway.
I’m on patrol with Ox today and am far too distracted, my thoughts swinging between the Bunnies and Willa. The Bunnies, who clearly know I’m here and are letting me know they’re days from trying to kill me, and Willa, sweet Willa, who I’m more anxious about the Bunnies getting to than me.
It’s honestly more concerning that theyhaven’ttargeted her. I’m missing something critical in this entire thing. Like there’s a thread dangling in front of me that I just can’t grab.
Ox and I leave the coffee shop with today’s haul: lemon poppyseed muffins and a special blend dark roast that is killer with a splash of vanilla cream, when he says, “Okay, man. Spill it.”
I look up from giving Midnight a crumb of muffin. “Spill what?”
“Spill what’s got you so oblivious to literally everything except whatever’s right in front of your face. And don’t tell me it’s Willa. It’s more than that. What’s going on with the Bunnies?”
I sigh heavily. “I told Chief Mac you were too smart for your own good.”
He grins. “That’s why I’ll be the next Chief. But seriously. What is it?”
“You know I can’t tell you, Ox. It’s bad enough you got the fact that I was undercover with them out of me.”
He snickers. “I’m good. What can I say?”
I roll my eyes. “The less you know—the lesseveryoneknows—the better.”
He finishes off his muffin. “You and I are both aware that’s complete bullshit, but if you want to play pretend, then fine. We’ll do that.”
I don’t get even a second’s worth of relief, though, because his next sentence is, “So, how are things with Willa?”
“You are such an asshole, you know that?”
He laughs. “Pretty sure you’ve called me that before.”
“Willa’s…she’s great,” I admit.
He turns a shit-eating grin on me. “Yeah?”
“You are theworst,” I huff. “Yeah. She’s great. And I’m the asshole who’s leaving soon.”
“You could stay, you know.”
We turn toward the pier. “Nah.” I wave the thought away, even though I’ve considered it more than I should.