Page 75 of Dining for Love
We step inside and Ox shoots me a look. “What are you thinking?”
“You mean besides wondering how a grown-ass man misses the toilet?”
He snorts.
“Is this normal?”
“Squatters? Nah. Especially right now, when the season is still pretty high. I’m surprised Jesse didn’t have this place rented out.”
We go through the motions, but after a while, I know it’s a dead end. This is where my Bunny hitman has been staying.
He glances over. “Yeah?”
“We’re not going to find anything. No prints, no nothing. Nothing’s gonna be missing, either.”
He stops and looks at me, assessing. “And how would you know that, MacKinnon?”
“Because I know who’s been here. Well,” I hedge, “not the exact person, but I know why they’re here.”
“And are you going to share that information with me?”
I shake my head sadly. “No.”
“Come on, Reid.” He blows out an exasperated sigh. “How am I supposed to do my job, man?”
I hold my hands up. “I know. I’ll tell Chief.”
“You better,” he grumbles, pulling off his gloves andmuttering under his breath. “And you get to be the one to talk to Jesse.Andfile the paperwork.”
I gesture for him to exit before me. “That’s fair.”
Later, after I’m back on patrol on my second shift of the day, I pull over to text Willa.
Did you lock your doors?
I swear, your obsession with locked doors is unhealthy.
I mean it, Willa.
You gonna punish me if you come home over and find it’s unlocked?
I’m not joking.
I’m huffing.
I’m serious.
Hang on.