Page 80 of Dining for Love
“Was that really necessary?” Barbara asks, setting my order in front of me as I slide back onto my stool.
I look at my lunch, then back up to Barbara, her daughter and husband working the grill like a well-oiled machine behind her. “Yes,” I say simply.
I don’t bother fighting the instinct a few hours later to drive Willa home after her shift. She looks up in surprise when I pull up in the squad car. “Reid?”
I lean over and open the passenger door. “Get in. I’ll take you home.”
She waves her hand at her car. “I drove. And isn’t it against the law to ride in a cop car?”
“We’ll figure your car out later. And if you want me to cuff you, I’d be happy to do so.” I wiggle my eyebrows suggestively.
She laughs as she gets in the car. “You’re insane.”
I breathe a little easier with her safely beside me.
Idon’tbreathe easier as she climbs out at her house and winks at me, pulling her hair down from her ponytail and swaying her hips as she walks away from the car.
Fuck. Me.
I put the car in park and radio Betty. “Taking a break, Betty. Give me twenty?”
“You got it, big guy,” comes the response.
I kill the engine and hustle after Willa. I have a diner cook to give an orgasm to.
I growl in frustration when I see she’s left the door not just unlocked, but wide open.
“Willa, dammit,” I call.
Then she appears in my view, utterly naked and grinning wickedly at me. “I’m sorry, Officer. Did I do something wrong?”
Well, hello there.I close and lock the door, then unbuckle my utility belt before stalking to her. “You naughty girl. I think you might have to pay for that.”
She squeals and makes to turn away, but I grab her by the wrist. I turn it just enough to catch her off-guard and pull her back flush against my front. “I didn’t get enough to eat during lunch,” I murmur against her neck.
She squirms against me. “I need a shower.”
I release her and point to the bed. “Get your pretty ass on that bed and give me your pussy.”
Her eyes flare, but she hesitates.
I reach down and pull her into a bridal carrybefore she can process what I’ve just done, then lay her on the bed. I yank her legs to bring her ass to the edge, then kneel before her.
“Reid, seriously,” she protests.
“Look at me.”
She does, a faint blush appearing on those beautiful cheeks.
“Whose pussy is this?”
Her blush deepens. “Yours.”
“And if I want to eat it, I get to eat it. Whenever I want.”
She swallows. “Okay.”
I narrow my eyes and press my fingers into her thighs. “Okay,what?”