Page 111 of Perfect Enough
“I don’t carewhatyou say. Just make sure Sophia’s here tonight by seven.”
Letting out a long breath, Nate pushed off the counter. “I’ll do my best, but no promises.”
As he started to head out, I called after him. “Hey, Nate?”
Turning, he asked, “Yeah?”
“I really appreciate you doing this for me, and being there even when I didn’t want you to be. I know you’re going through the same hell as me.”
He grinned. “We’re family. I’ll always be there for you, Josh.”
“Is this where we hug or something?” I teased.
Nate grimaced. “Hell no. This is where you make sure you save me some of that lasagna you’re making.”
Looking down at the bowls, utensils, and food scattered all over the counters, I laughed. “I’m not sure you’re going towantto eat it,” I said.
He laughed and started to retreat out of the room.
“Hey! Don’t post that picture of me with the pasta machine! Nate? I know you can hear me.”
The only response I got was the fading sound of laughter, then the click of the front door.
Chapter Twenty-Six
I dropped onto the sofa and looked at the boxes my mother had dropped off for me earlier today. While I was with Haven and the dogs, my mother had been busy planning her moveandmine. I was glad I hadn’t renewed my lease, but at the same time, I only had two months to pack up my apartment, find a place to live, and somehow manage to move my entire life.
Closing my eyes, I felt myself drifting off to sleep. I hadn’t slept much last night after what happened at the bar in Hamilton. I knew I’d overreacted, but seeing Josh with another woman when he’d been avoiding me since I’d left his house hurt way more than I wanted to admit. And it was easier to be mad at him than be hurt by him.
My phone buzzed on the side table, and I reached for it, not bothering to check who was calling.
“You sound tired.”
The familiar voice was that of Josh’s cousin, Nate. I sat up quickly. “Is Josh okay?”
He chuckled. “Yes. At least, I think he is. He’s elbow-deep in homemade pasta sauce, noodles, and cheese.”
My confusion caused me to be silent longer than I should have.
“You still there?”
Clearing my throat, I replied, “Yes. I’m here. What do you mean?”
“Listen, Sophia, I’m just going to be honest with you because I have no clue what to say to get you to his house. So here goes.”
I smiled as I waited.
“He’s cooking you a homemade meal. Grams gave him a recipe for fresh pasta sauce and dough. He asked me to find a way to get you there, preferably around seven, so he can surprise you with this dinner. I’m sure he plans on groveling—which I think he should—and trying to woo you with flowers, chocolate, and some weird cake he’s making. Honestly, I don’t know how he’ll even clean his kitchen before seven.”
My hand went to my stomach, which was currently flipping with pure delight. “He’s doing all that forme?”
“He really does feel like an ass for how he treated you, Sophia. He wasn’t himself.”
“I know he wasn’t.”