Page 73 of Perfect Enough
“Wow, you do work with a lot of little ones, don’t you? Do you enjoy it?”
She nodded. “I do. I miss performing myself sometimes. I think the last few months, though, I’ve struggled with finding the same enjoyment I had before with my job.”
“I would imagine it’s a bit exhausting working with such young kids.”
“It can be a challenge I won’t lie, but I do love watching them learn new things and seeing the smiles on their faces when they finally master a move. I’m excited for our fall production. It should be a lot of fun.”
“Do you have a date for it yet?” I asked.
With a shake of her head, she replied, “Not yet. My mother has been putting it off for some reason. I need to talk to her about that. I’m sure the parents are wondering as well.”
I finished the last of my breakfast and brought my dish to the sink. As I rinsed it and put it to the side, since I hadn’t unloaded the dishwasher yet from dinner last night, I said, “Make sure you let me know when the date is, so I can take the night off at the fire station.”
Her eyes lit up. “You’d come?”
“Of course, I would.” I glanced at the clock. “I have to get going. Make yourself at home and stay as long as you want, okay?”
“I can’t stay in your house without you here, Josh.”
“Why not? I just told you that you could. I don’t have anything to hide. And anyway…I’m hoping you’ll be here more often than not in the very near future.”
“Is that so?” she asked, sliding off the stool and making her way over to me.
As she put her arms around my neck, I wrapped mine around her waist and pulled her in tight. “Yes. I’d love for you to stay with me as often as you’d like.”
She opened her mouth as if to say something, then shut it.
“I’ll try to stay at your place, too. I don’t expect you to always come to Hamilton.”
Smiling, she kissed me and said, “Well, your place is way nicer than mine.”
“As long as you’re with me, I don’t care where I stay. I’ve got to run,” I said, kissing her again, then deeper.
When I drew back, Sophia let out a small sigh. “Wow. I’mreallygoing to miss you, Mr. Shaw.”
“Text me, and I’ll see you in a few days.”
After another quick kiss, I grabbed my stuff and started for my truck. Sophia followed behind me.
I stopped at the last step of my porch. “Don’t walk me out to the truck. You don’t have shoes on. Talk soon?”
Nodding, she leaned down and kissed me once more. “Be safe, Josh.”
Winking, I said, “Always.”
Once I got in the truck and started it, I saw Sophia standing on my small front porch, smiling as she waved. I watched at her in my rearview mirror until I had to turn.
Focusing on the road before me, I couldn’t help but grin. I realized that I wanted every day to start with breakfast next to Sophia and her waving goodbye to me from the front porch.
When I got to the station, I still couldn’t wipe the smile off my face. The guys noticed, and soon, the questions started.
“What’s with the smile, Shaw?” Larry asked when I walked by the watch desk. It was where we always had a firefighter stationed, so if someone came in with any concerns, someone would be there to help them.
“What’s with the frown, Larry?” I asked in return.
“I’m not frowning. And you’re avoiding my question!” he called out as I kept walking.
When I walked into the bay, Donny looked up and grinned. “Someone has a pretty big smile on his face. Get lucky last night?”