Page 83 of Perfect Enough
“She’s been a thorn in my side for how many years now?”
I frowned, tired of his protesting. “Nate, she won’t be single forever, so if you have feelings for her, I wouldn’t wait.”
He stood, finished his beer, and set it on the table. Looking out over the orange and pink sky, he said, “I think I’m gonna go on home. What time are you heading to the ranch tomorrow?”
“Probably around seven or so.”
Nodding, he glanced at me and smiled. “I really am glad you’ve found someone, Josh.”
I stood. “Thanks, Nate.”
After helping me clean up, we headed inside and I walked Nate out the front door.
A car pulling down the driveway caused us both to turn. Nate faced me. “You texted her to come over, didn’t you?”
Laughing, I hit his back. “I didn’t, but she textedmeearlier to see if she could come over tonight, and I wasn’t about to tell her no.”
He waggled his brows. “Think tonight’s gonna be the night? Do you need any tips or anything?”
I glared at him. “No, I don’t need any tips.”
“With it being your first time and all, you’re gonna lose your load fast, so just think of things like your mom or Grams to hold off your orgasm.”
Shoving him, I said, “Please leave.”
As Sophia pulled up next to Nate’s truck, he jogged toward her.
“Hey, Sophia!”
Shutting her door, she smiled. “You don’t have to leave on my account, Nate.”
“I was about to leave anyway.” He glanced back at me. “Enjoy your night, kids!”
He slipped into his truck and within seconds, all I saw was the fading red of his taillights.
Sophia came up and stood next to me as she followed my gaze. “I really hope hedidn’tleave on my account.”
“He actually was leaving,” I said, before leaning down and kissing her gently. “I’m happy to see you…and surprised.”
A bright smile lit up her face. “I’ve had a day. I’m so glad you’re off tonight.”
“Let’s head in. Did you eat dinner? We ordered a few pizzas and there’s some left over.”
She shook her head as she stepped into the house. “I ate earlier with my mother and Chloe.”
“Let me take your bag.”
Sophia handed me her overnight bag. “Thank you for letting me come over.”
“Soph, you’re welcome here anytime.”
After I took her bag and put it in my room, I found her in the family room, pouring a drink for both of us.
“Is everything okay?” I asked, as I accepted the glass of whiskey. If she was going for whiskey, it must be something bad that was bothering her.
Before she answered, she downed her drink, then coughed.
“I’m going to take that as your answer.”