Page 57 of The Attack Zone
Mitch: This is Caleb we’re talking about.
Mitch: Oh God. He just requested their first dance song in this club.
I let out a little laugh at the thought of Caleb dancing alone to some slow song in a Puerto Rican club. Of course that’s how he’d be when he’s drunk.
Stacey: Are they playing it??
Mitch: The DJ did a remix. It’s actually a bop.
This wine must be hitting me hard because I type out my reply and hit send without thinking.
Stacey: You’re sexy when you dance.
Mitch: Only when you’re around, love.
Stacey: What do you mean? You danced like a Magic Mike star in Miami
Mitch: Exactly.
But that was before we ... Oh. Oh my God.
Stacey: You wanted to fuck me in Miami?
Mitch: Honestly?
I’m not sure I want to know what Mitch is about to say,but the wine seems to, so I type out a quick reply and hit send.
Stacey: Yes, please.
Mitch: I’ve wanted to fuck you for a very long time, love.
This should be news to me. I should be shocked and scared about what it means. But I don’t think it’s actually news, and my heart might be beating a million miles a minute but it’s not because I’m scared. I type out a reply and hit send, this time feeling confident in my response.
Stacey: Me too, Mitch. Me too.
We got back to Colorado yesterday and Stacey was knocking on my door just a few minutes after I got home. We spent the night fucking like bunnies until we finally agreed we needed some sleep. Now, we’re sitting on the floor of my living room eating the breakfast I got delivered for us. I’d offered to take her out to eat, but we agreed that the wait at my favorite place is always too long and that we didn’t want to put on real clothes. I’m elated, energized, and on edge in the best way.
Stacey takes a big bite of her pancakes and lets out a little moan as she chews. “These are so good,” she says.
“I told you they have the best food,” I say.
“I assumed it was overhyped,” she says. “But I’m willing to admit when I’m wrong.”
“Look at us,” I say. “Growth.”
I lean over and kiss her nose and she scrunches up her face. It’s playful, sweet, and couple-y. The problem is, I don’tknow if we’re a couple. We’re going to the wedding together, but we haven’t actually had that conversation. I think I’m scared of what she’s going to say if I ask her. Hell, I’m scared myself of what all of this means.
“Can I talk to you about something?” she asks.
“Sure, love,” I say. Maybe she’ll be the one to broach the subject?
“When I told Cassie that we’re each other’s dates for the wedding, she said that she ‘couldn’t believe it actually worked’,” she says.