Page 27 of 3013: Hellion
A large splinter group of zombies had made it into the amusement park and were now gathering around the arcade. Eddie, Cosmo, and two older males in uniforms were firing their blasters at the mass below from the third-floor balcony.Fortunately, the protection barrier she had placed around the building was keeping the humans safe and preventing any of the zombies from getting close to the structure.
The bad thing was the crowd of zombies was growing since they were being replaced faster than they were being destroyed.
That put the entire pier at risk.
“The kids probably wanted to watch what was happening from the balcony and somehow drew the attention of some of the zombies. Look over there. Those dead fuckers figured out how to scale the walls of that building. They are leaping across the trench.”
She saw that not all of them were making that leap over the wide gap, but enough had made it across to cause a problem.
“We need to stop them before they end up destroying the entire pier.”
“Can you handle that while I follow the crowd of zombies back to the source?”
She knew he would be more comfortable with her handling the situation at the pier since he didn’t want to end up hurting the humans by mistake. Since he was still learning how to use his magic, it made sense.
“Aye, I can do that. Stay connected and let me know if you need help.”
“I will.”
Jaya watched as he flew in the opposite direction, but she forced herself to turn away and get to work. As she flew over the horde of zombies, she opened her mouth and breathed a stream of fire at them that instantly turned them to ash. She released a scorching stream at the zombies attempting to climb the buildings before heading directly to the arcade.
As soon as they saw her, Eddie and Cosmo started jumping up and down and waving at her. She couldn’t hear their excited words over the blaring music, but she understood the sentiment.In order to entertain them, she flew in a circle around the arcade and breathed fire at all of the zombies gathered there.
All four of the humans clapped and cheered as she executed a spin while she rose higher in the air. Then, she went to work destroying the rest of the zombies on the pier, trying not to burn anything else in her path.
She was breathing out a stream of fire down the main street when Xian reached out to her through their bond.
“I found something. It’s a machine that makes zombies as fast as we destroy them. It is hidden inside a cargo container that is in the shipping yard, but I can hear it running.”
That didn’t sound good.“Can you destroy it?”
“Yeah, but should I really breathe fire at it? I mean, it has to be hooked up to the system, right? I don’t want to accidentally cause another power surge or something if I blow it up.”
“That is a very good point. Can you wait for me to come to you? You can just start getting rid of the zombies in that area.”
“I can do that.”
Xian breathed a stream of fire at the zombies crowded together in the shipping yard. He didn’t want to bother his mate while she was doing her thing, but he really didn’t want to cause a whole new crisis by blowing something up. He wished the damn zombie replicator machine or whatever it was would just disappear.
That would make things a whole lot easier.
Even as he thought that, the cargo container with the zombie replicator machine inside it vanished into thin air leaving an empty space in the center of the shipping yard.
Fucking hell, had he done that?
“What happened?”Jaya demanded.“Why are you panicking?”
“I don’t know. The cargo container holding the zombie replicator machine just disappeared. I was fucking frustrated and just wanted it gone. Then, it was. Gone.”
“What does that mean?”he demanded.“Tell me I did not fuck up my first magical mission.”
“You did well. Really,”she insisted.“You wanted the zombie machine gone, and it is.”
“But? That sounded like there’s abutincluded in that.”
She hesitated briefly.“But you might have sent the machine somewhere else on the planetoid, so we should probably ask people to keep an eye out for it.”