Page 165 of First Light
The corner of Aisling’s mouth turned up. “You’re safe.”
Naida looked at Carys. “Convince your friend. Darius and Icanheal her, but she won’t let us through. She’s lost blood and she won’t survive long.”
“Aisling,” Carys said, “you need to let Naida heal you. You can trust her and Darius.”
Naida bent down to Aisling’s ear. “You will owe me nothing, mage. I do not tallyfavors as other fae do.”
Aisling shook her head and coughed a little, a smear of blood visible on her berry-red lips. “No.”
“Who did this?” Lachlan gripped Aisling’s hand and looked at the vicious, bleeding wound. “Was it Regan?”
“I did this to myself.” Aisling looked at Carys. “Is she dead?”
“Yes.” Carys didn’t say who had killed Regan, and Lachlan didn’t either.
“Good.” Aisling stared into the sky, her eyes resolute. “Lachlan, please.”
“I’m here.”
“Please. Just for a moment.” She blinked back tears. “I want to speak with Carys.”
Lachlan stood, and a blank expression fell over his face. He stepped back to give them privacy.
“Aisling, don’t do this.” Carys scooted closer and took her hand, speaking urgently to the dying woman. “I didn’t tell them.”
“But you will. Youshould.”
Carys said nothing. Regan’s spell or not, Aislinghadkilled Seren. And she’d refused to heal Seren to cover her own crime. “But you can live.”
“Lachlan will blame me.” Aisling started crying. “When he thinks about it. When the battle rush wears off and Lachlan thinks about what’s happened, he will blame me.” She shook her head slowly. “This is better.”
“No, it’s not.” Carys’s eyes filled with tears. “None of this is better.Lifeis better.”
Aisling was a killer. She was also a victim of a family who had only used her. She was Seren’s closest friend and her murderer.
“I loved them both.” Aisling’s voice was barely a whisper. “She never should have come back to Alba. I can’t…” She sucked in a shallow breath. “You have to listen to me.”
“Shadowkin, Brightkin,” she whispered. “The two of you are different. Youalwayswere. Regan and I both saw it.” She seemed to have trouble breathing. “You already know it.”
…some hybrid creature that belongs nowhere. Sound familiar…?Regan’s whispered accusation came back to her.
“I’m human,” Carys said. “I’m like you.”
“More than you know.” Aisling smiled, her lips fading to blue.
“What are you talking about?” Carys could barely see for the tears streaming down her face. “I don’t understand.”
Aisling motioned for Carys to come closer. She put her ear to Aisling’s lips.
“Nêrys ddraig,” Aisling whispered. “You are creatures of the Annwn. Find a way there, Carys, and you might find them both.”
“Aisling?” Carys pulled back. “Aisling!”