Page 81 of First Light
“Well, it’s close to where you were born, right?” Laura offered. “Maybe your genetic memory needed a refresher or something.”
“I definitely felt something special when I visited Norway the first time,” Kiersten said. “And I wasn’t even born there.”
Carys suddenly realized that both her best friends had Shadowkin hanging out somewhere in the woods of Northern California. Were they friends there?
It was such a weird thought.
“Okay, it’s so late here,” she whispered. “But I wanted to call so you didn’t worry. I know it’s been a while.”
“So what’s the plan?” Laura asked. “When are you coming home? Is Lachlan coming with you?”
“We’re still working on that. About the future.” She took a deep breath. “I’m probably going to be scarce for a while though. I’m trying to unplug a little bit.”
That was an understatement.
“We’re camping a lot around the estate. Talking and… stuff.” She glanced at Duncan, who was standing at the door. “So I’ll be here. It’s Murrayshall House in Scone. If you can’t get ahold of me, you can call Mary—she’s the housekeeper here—and she can take a message.”
Duncan nodded solemnly and gave her a thumbs-up.Good idea, he mouthed.
“Are you still having to deal with the asshole twin brother?” Kiersten asked.
Carys cringed and glanced at Duncan from the corner of her eye. “So the thing is?—”
“I cannot believe that Lachlan didn’t tell you he has atwin,” Laura said. “Is he really as hot as Lachlan? It’s kind of mind-boggling to think there’re two of them.”
“I’d say you should share,” Kiersten said. “But I’ve already had my share of hot assholes.”
“Uh…” She glanced at Duncan again. “He’s okay. A little rough around the edges is all.”
Duncan raised an eyebrow and put a hand to his chest.Me?
She couldn’t suppress her smile. “It’s good. I don’t want you guys to worry. Everything is good right now. Just leave a message with Mary if you can’t get ahold of me. She’ll know where I am. Cell phone connection is as bad here as it is at home.”
“Got it,” Laura said. “It’s good to hear your voice.”
“Good to hear yours too,” Carys whispered. “I should go.”
“I’m sure you’re exhausted,” Kiersten said. “Go to sleep. Love you, Carys.”
“Love you girls too.” She hung up and set down her phone. “That was weird.”
“I’m sure it was, but we should get out of here. I already left a note for Mary and Andy.” He nodded at her phone. “They’ll keep an eye on your phone, carry it around a bit so it doesn’t look suspicious to your friends.”
“Sounds like a plan.” She stood. “Let’s get back to Cadell. We have a banquet to attend.”
The welcome banquet that night would be held in the grand hall of the castle, the guests a mix of local lords, light fae, unicorn guests, and visiting dignitaries both from the north of Anglia and the southern part of Alba. Over two hundred people would be in attendance to greet the Cymric king and queen according to Bonnie.
Duncan and Cadell waited outside her door while Bonnie and the lady’s maid finished preparing her hair. It might not have been as long as most of the women’s in the castle, but the maid had managed to make her dark waves look magical, twisting them up and into an elaborate knot on her head, threaded with ribbons and flowers.
She was wearing a green-and-red velvet gown in honor of King Dafydd, and a gold dragon pin with green eyes had been delivered to her door by one of Dafydd’s men. Bonnie pinned it to her shoulder, securing the warm, fur-lined cape in place.
“I’m guessing that hall is going to be freezing cold, isn’t it?” Carys asked.
Bonnie nodded. “The great rooms are very difficult to heat. There will be fires, but keep your cape on and drink some wine to warm up.Try to dance if you can figure out the steps. Duncan has a fine step, so I’m sure he’ll lead you.”