Page 12 of Death and Desire
Chapter Three
Morning seemed muchbrighter than she remembered. Violet blamed it on the haunting dreams that kept her restless until well after midnight. She’d never been a morning person, but she refused to lie abed when such wonders awaited her. It was a rare occasion when Violet abandoned her room before ten in the morning.
She quickly dressed, choosing a cream-colored dress with gold beading. Although the color did nothing to complement her auburn hair and fair complexion, she wished to remain cool in the unfamiliar heat. Much to her father’s chagrin, she was not here to catch a wealthy husband and comfort was her main concern.
By the time she reached the gardens, it was nearly ten. Her gaze skimmed the patrons partaking in midmorning tea as she searchedfor her new companion.
A flash of gold drew her attention to the far side of the terrace where Dina waited. She wove through the labyrinth of tables until she reached the corner overlooking a charming fountain.
“My apologies, Dina.” Violet greeted her companion with a kiss on the cheek.
“No need for apologies.” Dina sat, motioning for her to do the same. “I trust you slept well?”
“Not at all.” Violet sighed, still weighed by exhaustion despite her excitement. “I had strange dreams...quite vivid, truly. They kept me up much of the night.”
“Nightmares?” Dina asked as Violet poured tea.
“Not really.” Violet chuckled at the absurdity of it. “It’s the oddest thing.”
“Did they begin during your travels? Sometimes, the change in climate affects us in strange ways.”
“Actually, I’ve had similar dreams for years.” Violet stirred her tea before taking a sip.
“How interesting.” Dina leaned forward. “Tell me more about these dreams.”
“You’ll think I’m mad.” Violet scoffed before setting her teacup aside. “But these dreams are the reason I wished to come to Egypt.”
Dina’s brows rose. “You dreamed of Egypt?”
Violet nodded. “Perhaps the stories my mother told me of her trip to Cairo captured my imagination, but I’ve always longed to see the places in her tales.” She rubbed her thumb over the jewel on her wrist. “But this time...the dream was different.”
“How so?”
“I could better picture my surroundings. A narrow alley. An arched doorway. A luscious garden overlooking the Nile.” Warmth pulsed beneath her finger as she stroked the jewel, as she described the details, as though from a memory. “Only this time, there was a man waiting for me.”
“A man?” Dina teased. “Was he handsome?”
“I couldn’t tell. He was hidden in shadow.” Violet closed her eyes, summoning the memory of his warm, honeyed voice drifting out of the darkness. “But I have heard his voice before, in past dreams.”
“What did he say?” Dina’s interest was piqued with every revelation.
“Nothing important. He welcomed me to his home.”
“Is that all?” Dina pouted. “How disappointing. I was hoping for something scandalous.”