Page 21 of Death and Desire
Chapter Five
Violet pasted a pleasantsmile on her lips before entering the restaurant, ignoring the agitation gnawing at her gut. “Good morning, Father.” She pressed a kiss to his cheek, inhaling the familiar, comforting scent of his sandalwood cologne.
“Violet.” He set aside his newspaper and eyed her over his spectacles before removing them. “I trust you slept well?”
“I did,” she lied as she slid into the chair beside him.
“Still set on visiting the museum today?” he asked, sipping his coffee.
“I am.” Violet allowed excitement to bubble to the surface as she poured tea. “Dina says it’s quite an extensive collection.”
“So I’ve heard.” His gaze skimmed the passing patrons. “Where is your brother?”
“Still sleeping, I assume.” She took a bite of a konafah, a type of cream-filled pastry. It melted on her tongue.
Her father’s brow furrowed. “I was under the impression he would join you at the museum today?”
“He is.” She licked a crumb from her lip. At least she assumed he would join her. Since their arrival in Cairo, Isaac had seemed distracted. Perhaps she should speak to him to find out why. David might know, although judging from his similar disposition, she feared they were into some sort of mischief.
“Be sure he does.” Her father brightened and stood.
The sudden movement startled Violet, until she looked up to see a familiar face looming over her table as a man shook hands with her father.
“What are you doing here?” she asked, frowning at Khalid.
“You’ve met?” Her father turned, his brow raised in question.
“We’ve crossed paths.” Khalid bowed to her. “Good day, Violet.”
He wore a tailored English suit and cradled an Italian hat in his hand. The delicate musk of his cologne drifted toward her, jasmine and frankincense. As enticing and alluring as the night she’d danced with him. Violet shifted in her seat, trying to dispel the memory before her body betrayed her.
She offered a stiff smile before turning to her father, wondering whether Khalid was truly there for her protection or if he harbored ulterior motives. What if he only wished to enter her father’s good graces through her? The mere thought was infuriating. “This is the man you’ve hired toensure my safety?”
“Khalid comes highly recommended.” Her father’s gaze locked with hers, as though tempting her to challenge his judgment.
“I’m sure he does.” Violet wiped her hands on a napkin and tossed it aside.
“Hiring someone to ensure your safety might seem a bit overbearing, but you are a woman alone in a foreign country.” He straightened his waistcoat. “As my daughter, you’re a target for brigands and thieves.”