Page 25 of Death and Desire
“Three nights together on a boat in the middle of the Nile. How exciting.” David winked at her before boarding the ship.
Isaac gave her a sympathetic smile and followed his friend, leaving her to face Khalid alone.
“My apologies if I offended you.” She fidgeted with her bracelet. “My father’s overprotective nature is...frustrating.”
“He’s concerned for the welfare of his child.” Khalid closed the distance between them. From here, she had to tip her chin to look at him. The sun cast his skin in an ethereal glow and ignited a light deep inside his dark eyes. “There is nothing wrong with wanting to ensure your child’s safety.”
“I am not a child. I’m a woman with desires and needs.” She inhaled sharply at the intensity of his gaze. “While I appreciate your company, your presence as myprotectoris unnecessary.”
“Would you prefer I remain here?”
Violet considered for a moment before shaking her head. But as she gathered the words forming in her mind, Dina’s voice cut through the mingling crowd on the dock.
“There you are!” Dina rushed forward, clasping her hat on her head. “Isn’t this fabulous? A three-day tour, evenings bursting with music and laughter. How delightful. You will love it.”
With an apologetic smile, Violet turned away from Khalid and took Dina’s arm. Together, they ascended the gangplank and joined the rest of the passengers. In the whirlwind of activity, she barely took note of the lovely ship, a dahabiyya, complete with modern amenities and dozens of servants. It was truly a luxurious experience.
The pulsing, rhythmic beat of tarab music lured her deeper into the ship. She glimpsed a stage offset from a cluster of tables and a dance floor in the center of the main cabin. A trio of belly dancers stood on the stage, their scantily clad forms wrapped in sheer veils as they moved and swayed to the music.
Deep in her soul, Violet felt a shift. She was transported, detached from all she knew in England. The music left her entranced, ensnared. Finally, she found the Egypt her mother spoke of. She lingered to listen to the music as the remaining guests boarded the dahabiyya.
After they’d set sail, they were shown to their cabins. Small and quaint, neatly kept. Dina and Violet shared a room, and David and Isaac resided in neighboring quarters. As they wandered the boat, she searched for Khalid. Where was he staying? Dina assured her his passage had been secured and he had a room to himself, but there was no sign of him as they toured the ship.
Disappointment suffused her. Although she cared little for her father’s insistence on a bodyguard, she enjoyed Khalid’s company. He added to the experience. Having a handsome man following her on a daily basis was not something she was familiar with. Most of the men who dogged her were more interested in her father’s work...or his money. The rest pursued her for more intimate reasons, though she made it clear she was uninterested in anything of the sort. There were plenty of attractive men, but none who had caught her curiosity and held it.
Violet paused at the railing to admire the view of the setting sun on the horizon. Dinner would be announced soon, and after that, dancing. She relished the opportunity to dance. Would Khalid join them? Her pulse fluttered at the thought of dancing with him again. The thought of being pulled into his embrace and whisked away left her breathless with anticipation.
“We meet again, Violet.”
Irritation curdled in her gut at the unwelcome intrusion. Violet turned, unsurprised to find the gentleman from the gala standing before her.
“James.” She looked around, searching for her brother or Dina or anyone to save her. Finding no rescue party waiting in the wings, she pushed aside her distaste and greeted him properly. “How lovely to see you.”
“I hoped you would be here.” He ran his fingers through his hair, a carefree reminder of his status. “This is one of the most popular tours in Cairo.”
“Is it really?” Violet drawled. “How interesting.”
“Are you alone?” James asked, resting his hip against the railing.
“Ah, no. I’m traveling with my brother and some friends.” She shifted uncomfortably. “Such a thrilling experience must be shared.”
“I heartily agree.” His eyes sparkled midnight blue in the dying sunlight. “Do you like to dance?”
“I do.” Violet swallowed, anticipating his next move.
“I shall find you after dinner and sweep you off your feet.” He winked and tipped his head. “Until then.”
Violet blinked after him as he strode to the upper deck overlooking the river.
“Who was that?” David asked, coming alongside her.
“James Beaumond.” She furrowed her brow for a moment before waving a hand dismissively. “He’s harmless.”
“Careful with that one, Vi.” Isaac nodded in James’s direction. “We know his kind.”
David snorted in agreement.
“Overprotective men.” Dina shoved her way between them. “He’s handsome to be sure, but what’s his angle?”