Page 41 of Death and Desire
“Did you think I was that handsome bodyguard of yours?” Dina winked as she took Violet by the arm and steered her toward the sunlight.
Guilt prickled along her arms and warmed her cheeks. She shoved it aside. There was no reason for anyone to worry about her. She was perfectly capable of taking care of herself, should it come to that. She clutched her bag a little tighter, savoring the weight of the small derringer hidden within it.
“Where is he anyway?” Dina glanced over her shoulder. “And better yet, why are we giving him the slip?”
“He’s insufferable.” Violet tried to sound casual, but her tone came out harsher than intended.
“Has he tried to take liberties with you?” Dina’s smile widened. “A man that gorgeous could take all the liberties he wanted with me.”
“Dina!” Violet nudged her with feigned surprise. “How can you say such a thing? You barely know him.”
Inside her mind, memories of her conversation with Khalid replayed, rolling over like gemstones in the light, refracting truth and tempting her to linger.
“He saved your life, Violet. Besides, he’s lovely to look at. Perhaps having him around wouldn’t be a terrible waste.”
“With his brooding, sullen silence?” Violet scoffed. “I’d rather take my chances alone to enjoy the scenery without him casting a hulking shadow over it.”
“As you wish.” Dina pouted.
Together, they stepped into the afternoon sunlight.
“What would you like to explore today?”
“The markets.” Excitement bubbled inside Violet at the thought. “My mother told me about the bazaar with its vibrant colors and exotic spices. I’ve always wanted to see it for myself.”
“You’re in luck.” Dina steered her to the far side of the street, moving them further from the hotel.
As they rounded the corner, Violet pulled to a stop, nearly causing Dina to stumble.
“And where are you two off to on this fine afternoon?”
David and Isaac stood before them, blocking their progress. David’s question stalled her brain, and she gaped for a long moment as she gathered her wits. Humor glittered in David’s eyes, and Isaac shifted uncomfortably.
“Does Father know you’re roaming around Cairo?” Isaac glanced behind her. “Where’s your stalwart shadow today?”
“I promised Violet a tour of the bazaar,” Dina said in her defense. “Would you care to join us?”
Violet nearly jabbed her friend in the ribs. The last thing she desired on this little excursion was the company of her brother and his best friend. But if she didn’t at leastattemptto be cordial, they would tell Father, even though they’d promisednotto tell him. After the fiasco on the river, she doubted they would uphold their end of the bargain. It was far more likely they would accidentally relay her whereabouts, and in turn, Father would send Khalid to oversee their safety.Hersafety, in particular.
“Yes, it’s a lovely day. I’m sure you’ll find something to pique your interest at the market.” Violet forced a smile.
David scoffed and Isaac arched a curious brow. It was no use. They knew her too well to be fooled.
“Please don’t tell Father,” Violet pleaded. “I’ll give you whatever you want. Just...I cannot stand being smothered.”
The two men exchanged a long-suffering look. David shoved his hands in his pockets and leaned against a stone building. Isaac turned to her.
“Sister dearest,” he said with a grin. “We’d be delighted to escort you both to the market.”
Violet crossed her arms. “What do you want?”
“Let’s just leave that open for now.” Isaac laughed.
“Oh no. I learned that lesson years ago.” She shifted her weight, jabbing a finger at her brother’s chest. “Tell me what you want in exchange, or the deal is off.”
Isaac glanced at David, who shrugged one shoulder. “There’s a club. We’re going there tonight, but Father wants me to attend some dinner...”
“You want me to cover for you?” she asked with a sigh.