Page 6 of Death and Desire
Isaac blinked at him, midbite, his mouth overflowing with scone, clotted cream clinging to his upper lip. David sat silently, his gaze firmly fixed on the lukewarm tea in his cup.
Isaac swallowed and wiped his mouth with a napkin. “Yes, Father.”
“Yes, sir,” David echoed, finally looking up.
“Very well.” Templeton stood. “The cars will be here shortly. Best finish your tea.”
With varying levels of enthusiasm, they assented and didn’t say another word until the older man left the room.
Violet turned her attention to her brother and his best friend. “If anything, he should be worried about the two of you, not me.”
“What are you trying to say, Vi?” David asked, elbowing Isaac in the ribs so he nearly choked on the pastry. “Do you think we’re susceptible to the same danger as a woman in a foreign country?”
Isaac glared at his companion. “Father’s just worried she’ll fall in love with some foreign bloke and his dreams of expanding the empire through marriage will fall apart.”
“Fall in love? Expand the empire? Fat chance of either of those happening.” She poured herself more tea and placed a warm blueberry scone on her plate. “I have no intention of getting married to anyone, no matter how rich or handsome.”
“So there’s a possibility then?” David looked at her, mischief dancing in his eyes. He’d practically been raised with Isaac and her, as he grew up on a neighboring estate, and Violet regarded him as a brother. There had never been anything but familial affection between them, and yet, some days, such as today, she wondered if he had ulterior motives in his teasing. Not that it mattered, her course was firmly set.
“A possibility of adventure, yes.” Violet sipped her tea. “Marriage? Most certainly not.”
“You’ve been begging Father to take you to Egypt for years,” Isaac noted.
Violet embraced the shift in conversation, and the small bubble of uncertainty that lingered in her chest burst, giving way to a warmth that surrounded her. “Yes, I have.”
“What made him agree to take you this time?” David leaned back, his dark eyes fixed on her.
“She strongarmed him.” Isaac scoffed. “It began as a negotiation but quickly turned into a siege when Father hesitated. With a few sweet words and batted eyelashes, he played into her hands until he surrendered.”
David laughed, but Violet merely shrugged.
“I’m only permitted to accompany him if Isaac joins us.” Violet took a bite of scone, irritated that their father’s antiquated views of women would hinder her ability to explore on her own. “And Isaac promised tonottell Father everything that transpires during this trip if I request that you come along.”
“I could never disappoint my sister, but Egypt has nothing to entice me, which is why I require your presence, old chum.” Isaac clapped a hand on David’s shoulder.
“You dragged me into this mess. You owe me.” David eyed them both. “I should have taken that trip to Boston.”
“No one stopped you.” Isaac bristled.
“You tore up my ticket.” David turned to him.
“I donotrequire an escort,” Violet grit out between her teeth. Frustration simmered inside her, but a slow current of calm flowed through her to sooth her ruffled disposition.
Both men ceased arguing and pivoted to her, amused but not surprised.
“You willaccompanyme as we leave the hotel, but once we’re out of Father’s purview, you can do what you’d like.”
The two men exchanged a wary look.
David shifted in his seat uncomfortably. “Vi, you know we cannot allow you to venture through the streets of Cario alone.”
“Why? You’ve left me to my own devices London. Paris. Even in Vienna.”
“Yes, but that was before...” Isaac let the words trail off and rubbed the back of his neck.
“Beforewhat?” Violet held her chin high, refusing to be deterred by the direction of this conversation. “Before Father demanded I find myself a suitable husband?”
Both Isaac and David had the good sense to look abashed.