Page 61 of Death and Desire
She knew her father would never allow it, not without Khalid following her like a shadow. But she couldn’t bear the thought of going anywhere with him, not with the current questions burning in her mind.
Before her father could find them and inquire after the day, Violet took her leave, disappearing into the gardens to seek solace and brace herself for the inevitable.
She paced the small walkway, her fingers clasped around the locket at her throat. Her whispered plea echoed in the quiet alcove. “Mother, what have I done?”
She collapsed on the narrow bench where she’d surrendered so eagerly to his touch and closed her eyes, letting memories wash over her. Violet sucked in a breath at their intensity. The smoke surrounded them, encircling them in a bubble of silence as he explored her. He pushed her to voice her desires. Caressed her. Made her cry out with pleasure.
Her skin flickered with awareness, gooseflesh prickling across her arms. She longed for him, even now. But was it wise? There were so many unanswered questions. A thousand fragmented pieces scattered before her...and yet, she couldn’t see anything but a blurred image. Such uncertainty left her heart racing and conflicted.
Violet opened her mind, and her soft murmur rippled down the bond.Anubis.
The air around her stilled, and the sounds of the hotel, of the city, dimmed into silence. Black smoke curled in a pillar before her as he appeared. The smoke dissipated, revealing his raven hair and fathomless eyes. He came as Khalid. She shrugged off her disappointment.
Where Khalid was handsome and human, Anubis radiated power and strength. She admired both forms, but her questions were for the god of the dead, not the man before her.
“You are displeased.” His observation dispelled the stillness between them.
“I am.”
“You have questions.”
“I do.”
“Then ask.”
Violet bit her lip, unable to decide exactly where to begin. “Who was that?”
“Seth.” His eyes darkened to starless midnight. “You know him as the brother of Osiris.”
Her initial assumption had been correct. They were both gods, both immortal, with a complicated history.
“Can he grant immortality?” she asked, her thoughts unraveling.
Khalid heaved a sigh. “In theory. However, I doubt his ability to follow through with such a promise.”
“So he lied to James?”
“His intentions were hidden, blocked from view.” He straightened. “There is no way for me to know if he intends to keep his promise.”
“Why me?” Violet asked, trying to harness the unease sliding along her spine like a serpent.
“I’ve told you before. You underestimate your value.”
“He didn’t want me for ransom.” She inclined her head, studying him for a sign of hesitation or duplicity. She found only the stoic expression she’d come to associate with him. “What did he mean...the bond is stronger than he anticipated? Was he referring tous?”
“Yes,” Khalid replied simply.
“If you wish for my cooperation, I will need more explanation.” She crossed her arms over her chest.
Khalid took her hand in his. The soft brush of his fingertips along the inside of her wrist sent a pang of longing through her. She shivered as he drew her close. His gaze dropped to the jewel on her wrist.
“He desired this.”
Violet scoffed. “My bracelet?”
“The jewel within it.”
“It’s worthless.” Her brow furrowed. “It was a trinket from my mother. She purchased it from a street vendor when she visited years ago.”