Page 8 of A Bossy Roommate
Except, he told me his last name was Donovan,notBancroft.
Shit, holy shit. I blink, twice, trying to keep my expression neutral and hide the utter surprise I feel, or worse, trying not to laugh at the coincidence.
My eyes connect with his.
Those whiskey-brown eyes that had looked at me with heat when he’d thrust into me last night are now hardened and cold.
He steps up to the desk and extends his hand. “Carter Bancroft,” he says formally.
He glowers at me, his eyes never leaving my face.
I nod, wiping my sweaty hand on my skirt before I shake his. I can’t believe this is happening. I can’tbelieveI know what he—my new boss—looks like naked. What his thick dick looks like fully erect. Exactly how girthy, and long, and perfectlyfillingit is.
“Nice to meet you, Mr.Bancroft,” I say, forcing myself not to add “again” at the end of the sentence. What I can’t stop myselffrom, is emphasizing his last name. I have to remind him that he blatantly lied to me, and I know it.
The second our hands touch, more flashbacks from the previous night rush through my head. His fingers intertwined with mine as he hovered above me, pressing my hands into the bed. His jaw pressed against my cheek while he whispered those dirty, dirty words into my ear. His tongue playing with my clit, brushing over it, edging me to the brink of insanity. His hard cock filling me completely, utterly,perfectly—nowthatfeeling is burned into my memory forever—and honestly, I’m still feeling him inside me physically,right now—and I have the hardest time not thinking about how jaw-dropping his thrusts felt.
Nor can I stop thinking about how that sinful dirty mouth of his fell open when he came.
I know what my boss’s coming face looks like, I realize.
How his eyes intensified.
How they bore into me.
How he growled when he came, with a double “ahh.” “Ahh-ahhh.”
How his cock pulsed.
How he thrust three more times.
Eden, think about something else, I scold myself.Don’t think about the fact that less than twelve hours ago, he made you come harder than any man has before, and as a sign of appreciation, you then rode your new boss’s cock like a mechanical bull before he flipped you over and made you come again.
“Remind me of your name again,” he says.
Come again? Bitch. He did not.
Ouch. Gotta say, that one stings.
He isn’t playing. That line definitely takes the wind out of my sails (and my mind off the mechanical bull). “Eden Ryan,”I answer, trying to sound unaffected and professional. “I’m looking forward to working with you.”
“Forme,” he corrects, glowering at me.
It takes me a blink to process what he just said.
Good lord, what abosshole.
Do I really want to workforhim?
This can only go downhill from here. But I need the job. Desperately. In fact, judging by his cold expression, I have to wonder if he evenwantsme to work for him. It seems more like he’s contemplating when exactly to break it to me that I won’t be working with himnorfor him.
He turns his intense gaze on Gretchen. “Anything else? I’d like to speak with my new assistant.”
Gretchen shifts her gaze between the two of us, almost as if she senses something is off. But she’s smart enough not to point it out. “I am done, sir,” she immediately retracts. “I’ll be at my desk should either of you need anything.”
I don’t even get a chance to thank her before she hurries out of the room. As soon as the glass door closes behind her, Carter turns that stern gaze on me.
There’s a beat of silence.