Page 93 of A Bossy Roommate
“Hush,” he interjects, his tone filled with the assurance that he will handle it. “Vance is the best in his field.”
“Carter, I don’t know what to say. I wasn’t expecting you to ask about it, much less while at work today. You’re always so adamant about not getting personal in the office.”
“I’m not a robot, Eden. I do feel sympathy and empathy. When my usually happy and level-headed assistant has a twenty-minute phone call and comes back clearly upset and distracted, I’m not going to ignore it.”
“Well, whatever the reason, I appreciated it.”
“Also, thanks for that quick thinking with my aunt. I still cannotbelieveshe showed up and spilled the beans like that.” He laughs. Actually laughs.
“Don’t mention it.” Just the sound of his laugh is enough to make me break out into a fit of giggles.
“Ready for the good news?”
“Absolutely.” I beam.
“We sealed the deal with Harbor View, and I have you to thank for that.”
My eyebrows go up in surprise. “Why? You were the one who did all the work. All I did was assist you.”
“No, that wasn’t all you did. First, you warned me about Huxley, which I greatly appreciated, and your advice was spot on. Joe and Adam were on the fence, but our conversation provided me with a clear understanding of how and where to tackle the problem to drive the account home. On top of all that, they couldn’t stop singing your praises.”
Thrilled is an understatement. I’d never imagined my overhearing Huxley’s phone call would lead to such a favorable outcome, especially after Carter had initially more or less dismissed it. I’m also struck by the fact the clients had mentioned me.
Carter finishes the last bit of wine in his glass. When he puts his glass down, he reaches over to grab my hand. “How about dessert?”
The smolder in his eyes and the smirk on his face lets me know he’s not talking about the cookies that sit waiting on the counter. Smiling back at him, I down the rest of my wine as well and allow him to pull me to my feet.
We’re done playing around.
We’re done waiting.
I’ve barely pushed my chair back when his mouth is on mine, his hand reaching up to cup my cheek. I melt into his embrace, pressing my body against the solid warmth of his chest. He kisses me like he’s starved, like we haven’t kissed in weeks when it has only been a day.
Melting under his kiss, I prepare myself for the wreckage.
“I want to break our rules,” he rumbles in his baritone.
“Okay,” I breathe.
Just like that.
In a heartbeat.
The next thing I know, he lifts me off the ground.
With a squeak of delighted surprise, I wrap my legs around his waist. His hands cradle my ass as he carries me down the hall and kicks the door of the bedroom open.
Everything feels tight, like I’m on edge, waiting for him to touch me, to light my body aflame again. With one hand holding my back, he lowers me onto the bed, the weight of his body sending a thrill of excitement through me. I love feeling him on top of me, feeling the powerful lines of his muscles and the way his hands explore every bit of me he can reach.
Carter only breaks the kiss to pull my shirt up over my head, and slide my skirt down, dropping the items off to the side. The moment they’re out of the way, his mouth returns to mine and his hand slides up my torso to my breasts.
When he draws back, it’s not my body he stares at.
He gazes into my eyes as if he wants to delve into the depths of my soul.
“Baby,” he whispers, his lips brushing over mine.