Page 42 of Stealing Embers
“What happened?” Sable asks.
I continue to rub the shocked digit. The electric sensation is still there.
I don’t like it.
“It shocked me.”
“That’s . . . odd. Leather doesn’t usually carry a static charge.” Pulling a note pad out from her desk, she writes something down. Catching me trying to take a peek, she smiles and explains. “All Nephilim are descended from certain lines. Certain types of angels, if you will. Even if two Nephilim from opposite lines have children, the children will always inherit one of the parent’s angelic genes, not both. One of our goals, especially since we don’t know who your parents are, is to determine what line you’re from. So, from time to time I’ll probably ask you some pretty bizarre questions. That’s just me trying to figure it out. Once we know, we’ll be able to train you in the skills you should already be developing.”
Considering my conversation with Steel, that makes sense.
“Do you have an idea which line I’m descended from yet?”
“I’m afraid not. Many things about you are an enigma to us right now.”
An unexpected wave of sadness envelops my heart. It shouldn’t. Her answer is what I expected.
Seeing my disappointment, Sable reaches forward and covers my hand. “Don’t worry. We’ll get this figured out. This is a good place to start. Let me explain the basics of angelic hierarchy. Who knows? Maybe something will resonate and help us unravel your mystery.”
“I’d like that.”
By the end of our hour together, Sable has wheeled out a white board and drawn me a diagram.
“So there are three different groupings of angels, and three different kinds in each?” I ask.
“Right, but the groups are calledspheres. Each of the nine different Nephilim academies spread out over the world are named after a different line of angels. Each type of angel performs different services, and their abilities help them accomplish their tasks. If I flip the board over, do you think you’ll remember what the different spheres are and their primary purpose?”
“I can try.”
Sable turns the white board over so I can’t see her writing anymore. The names of the different types of angels float in my head as I try to recall everything she’s told me.
“The first sphere includes the seraphim, cherubim, and thrones. They guard the throne of God. I think.”
With both parents being cherubim, Steel and his siblings belong to this grouping.
“Very good. And thrones can manipulate and build the wards by pulling on energy contained in the natural spring water running throughout the cracks and fissures below us. Every academy is built above natural springs for this purpose. And there are no seraphim Nephilim. Do you remember why?”
“Because none of the seraphim rebelled against God, so they weren’t cast down to Earth.”
“That’s right. Keep going.”
“The angels in the second sphere are the dominions, virtues, and powers.” I’m the most shaky on the duties of this sphere. “They . . . govern things?”
I believe Ash is part of this sphere. Maybe a dominion? I could be wrong about that though.
“You’re not alone in that confusion. This is the most elusive grouping of celestial beings. Their job is to regulate the duties of the lower angels as well as govern the laws of our universe. They make sure everything is acting the way it should, from gravity keeping the planets in orbit, to the grass growing under our feet. The Nephilim descended from this sphere have some unique abilities.”
“They’re all unique to me.”
Sable smiles and checks her watch. “We’ll get to those abilities in a different session, we’re almost out of time today. But how about that last group?”
“Right, the third sphere includes rules, archangels, and angels. Which isn’t at all confusing because we refer to all of them as angels.” The corner of my mouth quirks up before I continue. “They are the guides, protectors, and messengers to humankind.”
“Exactly. Great job. We can pick this up tomorrow. I don’t want you to be late.” She checks her watch again and grimaces. “Or rather, later than you already are to combat training. Do you know where to find the gym?”
“Yep, sure do.”
The gym is on one of the subfloors beneath the academy. I haven’t been down there since the attack. I’m not frightened, but I’m not exactly excited about being entombed in the earth again either.