Page 52 of Stealing Embers
“That’s all I needed to hear.”
The next moment I’m tossed over Sterling’s shoulder like a sack of potatoes and carried down the hall.
“Sterling!” I screech, “Put me down right now!”
“No can do. You need to keep up your strength. Can’t go skipping any meals. You’ll waste away to nothing.”
I beat on Sterling’s back to no avail. Before I know it, we’re in the elevator, headed down to the cafeteria. Ash and Greyson are up against the far wall, trying to avoid my flailing limbs.
“You’re all dead!”
The elevator dings and the doors open. I stop struggling when, under Sterling’s arm, I see the dining hall filled with people staring at us.
This day just keeps getting worse.
“If I let you down, will you agree to have dinner with us? And not retaliate against me?”
I don’t want to agree to either of those things. But I also don’t want to be carried into the cafeteria with my butt in the air.
“Fine,” I grit out.
Sterling slowly lowers me to the floor. Regardless of any promise, I slug him in the shoulder before walking through the crowd.
He deserved it.
People part for me like the waters of the Red Sea.
“Ouch,” I hear Sterling complain behind me, “you have an arm, girl.”
I shake my head and keep walking, doing my best to ignore the eyes that follow me. Ash catches up with me at the buffet line and offers a weak, apologetic smile. “Don’t hate me?”
Who am I kidding, I can’t stay mad at her. She’s my first true friend. For that I will always be grateful. The girl can get away with murder now because I’ll be there to help her hide the body.
“I don’t,” I confess. “I’m just really uncomfortable with all this attention.”
I let my eyes stray to the round tables peppered throughout the room and I know it’s not my imagination. Students scattered throughout the space are stealing glances at me while talking to their friends. I can’t hear them, but I can imagine what they’re saying. It’s what people always say about me.
Look at her. Isn’t she a freak?
Why doesn’t she look like us?
Did you see what she did today?
A spot between my shoulder blades tingles and burns. I curl my shoulders forward to alleviate the pain.
I grab a plate and pile food on it, hardly paying attention to what I’m grabbing. My gaze stays glued to Ash’s feet as she picks a table. It’s not long before a few people slide into seats next to and across from me. Assuming it’s Greyson and Sterling, I don’t bother lifting my head. Instead I concentrate on slicing a thick steak into small pieces.
It’s several minutes before I realize an unnatural quiet has bubbled over our table. Lifting my gaze, I check on the issue. Greyson and Sterling sit across from me with matching looks of confusion, brows pinched and mouths twisted to the side.
“Have you two never seen a beautiful girl or something? Gawk much?”
I yelp at the voice next to me.
Sitting to my right with her arms and legs crossed, staring bullets at the gaping brothers, is Nova. A quick glance at Ash reveals she’s observing Nova with narrowed eyes of distrust.
“Nova, what . . . ah . . . are your friends not here yet?” I don’t know what else to say. It’s weird she’s sitting with us, and from the twins’ and Ash’s reactions, I know I’m not the only one who thinks so.
Nova turns to me with a perfectly plucked eyebrow raised in a graceful arc. “I saw your little show in the gym this afternoon.”