Page 71 of Stealing Embers
“It’s almost over.”
I hang onto Steel’s whispered words like the lifeline they are.
Liquid magma drenches each of my vertebrae and races up my golden wings. I spread them wide to protect Steel from their fiery embrace, but a moment later they compress tight against my spine on their own accord.
I cry out as a seam splits in my back and my wings fold into myself.
With one final flash of light, the world is washed white before returning to normal. The inferno leaves my body in a rush, sweet relief taking its place.
I’ve phased back into the real world. The ordeal leaves me a panting, sweaty mass of muscle, bone and flesh sagged in Steel’s arms. I try to push away from him, but my shaky limbs won’t cooperate.
“Is she all right?” Ash’s face appears over Steel’s shoulder. I have a tough time focusing. My eyes blink lazily and refuse to stay open despite my harshest commands.
“I think so.” Steel’s words rumble through his chest to my own.
I think it’s time for a nap.
My head lolls.
Definitely naptime.
“Emberly.” A very rude someone jars me awake. “Do not fall asleep right now.”
“Not the boss of me.” I blow a half-hearted raspberry.
“She’s even feisty when she’s only half-aware. I like that.”
“Shut up, Sterling.”
“Let’s get her back to the academy.” Oh . . . Nova. Great idea. My bed at the academy is amazing. “Steel, maybe let one of your brothers take her? Youarestill injured.”
“No, I’m fine. I can handle her.” I’m hefted into the air. “The rest of you keep watch. Those Forsaken are still on the loose.”
Wait, Steel is carrying me? No thank you. I can walk on my own. Come on body, time to come back online.
I squirm in Steel’s hold. My eyes only flutter open a few times, but I catch the tightening of his jaw. Looks like he’s grinding his teeth.
“Will you stop wiggling already? I’ll drop you if you don’t.”
“Let. Down.” Why is it so hard to form words?
“Hey.” Ash gives my upper arm a reassuring squeeze. “Just sit tight, okay? We’re going to get you back and figure out what’s going on.”
I pry my lids open using stubborn will alone. My head bobs along with Steel’s strides. Trying to focus makes me slightly nauseated.
“Never speak of this again.” I force the words out.
“Of your transformation?” she asks.
“No,” I flop my head to the side and knock it against Steel’s chest. “Him. Carry.”
A bubble of laughter rolls up from her chest and bursts free. “No promises there.”
I let my eyes slide shut and body relax. Might as well enjoy the ride. I’m going to be paying for it later.
Chapter Twenty-One