Page 63 of Forging Darkness
Covering my indecision with a stoic mask, I jerk a quick nod acknowledging I’ve heard her.
“You guys. Something is happening.” I look over at Sterling, and his silhouette is blurred. He’s turning a hand back and forth in front of his face while he wiggles his now fuzzy-looking fingers.
“Are you waking up?” Greyson asks.
“Maybe? Honestly, I don’t know how I even fell asleep in the first place. The amount of energy drinks and sour candies running through my blood stream should have kept me awake for several weeks, at least.” His body starts to go semi-translucent. “Last thing I remember is searching the network for news.”
“Maybe she’s powerful enough to suck you into a dream while you’re still awake?”
“I wouldn’t be surprised.” Sterling winks at me. I can hardly make out any of him now. “Rad power by the way, Em,” are his last words before he disappears completely.
“Shoot. Looks like I’m next,” says Nova.
My heart sinks. They’re all going to disappear, and I’m going to wake up alone.
“Give Tinkle my love.”
A sad smile crests Nova’s face. “I will. Poor little dude is pretty broken up about all this.” The static around the edges of her body gets worse, and I can see through her to the chair she’s sitting on. “You’ve got this. Give ‘em hell.”
Pressing my lips together, I nod.
“I think that means it’s my turn,” Greyson says before Nova has even fully faded. “Looks like we’re waking in the order you linked our awareness.”
I turn to Greyson the moment Nova’s gone. Rising from my seat, I throw myself in his arms, not caring if Steel gets prickly about it.
Greyson wraps me in a bear hug. “We don’t have an organized plan yet, but the information you gave will help us find you. I’m sure of it. Keep your eyes out for a signal.”
Leaning back, I search his face. “What signal?”
“You’ll know it—” He doesn’t finish his sentence before he blinks away.
“Em, I’m just—” Ash sniffles behind me. I turn to see tears dripping down her cheeks. “About what happened at the club. I’m so sorry. If it weren’t for me—”
“No. Do not even finish that sentence. Silver and those Forsaken were never going to stop coming for me. Even if we’d been able to take them all, another wave of Forsaken would have just replaced them. Now that I see this place—understand it even a little—I know this was always going to happen.”
Her chin wobbles but she nods bravely. “I love you,” she whispers as she fades away.
My breath catches in my throat. Has anyone ever said that to me before? That they love me? I don’t think so. But I don’t have time to dive deeper into how that makes me feel because . . .
It’s just Steel and me now.
“I’ll see you soon,” he assures. “But in the meantime, keep yourself safe.”
Of course he couldn’t help but issue a command.
“Even with what I told you, you might not be able to find me.” It’s the nagging thought I can’t seem to stomp out.
“I will find you.” There’s a deadly growl to Steel’s words that warns me against contradicting him. His outline starts to go a little blurry. “I willalwaysfind you.”
He takes three determined steps in my direction. His eyes broadcast his intent, and butterflies take flight in my stomach.
My mind’s first command is to flee, but I’m so glad I don’t when his mouth descends on mine, crushing our lips together. He wraps his arms around me, anchoring one hand at the back of my head and the other on my lower back.
He holds me like he doesn’t intend to ever let go. I’m glad. I want this kiss to go on forever. It’s fierce and emotional and wild and sosohot.
When he pulls back, his form is transparent. I start to lose the sensation of his hands buried in my hair and pressed against my back.
“Just wanted to make sure the dream lives up to all those expectations.”