Page 65 of Forging Darkness
“Getting tired of playing babysitter?” I ask as I gingerly step into the death box.
“Don’t worry about me. I’m headed out for some big game hunting after I drop you off at daycare.” The wicked grin that slowly stretches over her face when she makes eye contact is nothing short of chilling. It’s a smile someone gives you when they know something you don’t . . . but should.
I’m immediately uncomfortable, but do my best to cover it with a fake smile of my own. “Oh, nice. You’re being let off your leash for a bit.”
My barb doesn’t seem to hit the mark. Silver’s black eyes gleam with unconcealed excitement, and the smile doesn’t slip from her lips.
We reach the ground floor and the elevator jolts and bobs a few times before settling. Silver studies me for long seconds before shoving off the wall and pulling the grated accordion door out of the way for us.
It’s a short walk to a thick wooden door—also ancient looking—and then we’re striding through the spectrum morning sun. The warmth from the gilded rays doesn’t do much to ward off the frosty chill in the air, but I’m glad for the light anyway.
“I’m surprised you’re not begging for more information about your friends.”
Normally, I would be, but if last night’s dream was real, I already know how they’re doing. “I don’t feel like wasting my breath. You either honored your word or you didn’t.”
She looks at me out of the corner of her eye. “And do you think I’m good for my word?”
“No. Not particularly.” A flash of anxiety runs through my body. If that dream was only a nighttime fantasy, there’s every reason to believe my friends could be hurt or worse.
She chuckles darkly, but doesn’t confirm whether or not she’s trustworthy.
“Where are we going?” Something I should have already asked.
“I’m taking you to Thorne.”
“Ahhhh, so you fetch as well. You know lots of tricks, don’t you?” A muscle spasms under her eye.
We’re walking along the eastern wall of the stronghold. There’s a wall connecting each of the buildings along the perimeter of this fortress. It soars several stories into the air, but it’s not unscalable for someone with wings.
“Aren’t you worried I might try to fly over these walls and escape?”
Silver snorts. “No. Not at all. You’re a sloppy flyer, and that’s putting it generously.” Throwing me a side-eye, she gives me a judgmental once-over. “Not to mention you can’t even manifest your powers on command. Sentries are posted on our walls twenty-four hours a day, and if by some miracle you were able to get by them, our thermal imaging cameras would catch you. Honestly, I think it would be amusing if you tried, so be my guest.” She misses my smirk as she gestures to the wall.
Thanks for the free intel, Silver.
Dragging my steps, I drop behind her a few feet—if for no other reason than to further irritate her. Juvenile, I know, but it gives me a measure of satisfaction.
“Keep up. Thorne’s waiting for you,” she snaps over her shoulder a minute later.
My strides remain slow and steady, so Silver stops to wait—hands fisted on hips and booted foot tapping against the crushed rock beneath our soles.
“So impatient,” I chuckle when I catch up.
“Like I said, I have places to be.”
I keep my gait unhurried so she’s forced to match my leisurely pace if she doesn’t want me falling behind. “I’ll bite. What are you hunting?”
“You’ll find out soon enough.”
And I bothered asking because?
I mentally brush off her cryptic response. She’s just trying to get under my skin. I can now see Thorne in the distance, striding toward us, a training field of sorts behind him. Already a few sparring matches are happening in several of the circular pits dotting the field.
“Good morning,” he says with a smile when he reaches us. He’s dressed casually in ripped jeans and a fitted long-sleeve thermal—not a speck of armor or leather pants. He exchanged last night’s rocker look for indie-boy-band today. His hair is even tousled injustthe right way to tip me off that it’s been purposefully arranged.
“Morning.” I lift my arm and wave lamely, feeling the need to do something with my hands.
“Am I cleared to leave the hold now that I’ve delivered her to you safe and sound?” Silver asks. Thorne’s eyes narrow as he frowns at the sass in her voice. Seeing his reaction, her face blanks and head dips in respect.