Page 3 of Holiday Hitch
“Look, I know it’s a lot to juggle. But have I ever failed one of our projects before?” Zoey questioned, crossing her arms with a smile as she prepared for Robin to counter.
Robin’s goofy grin took over her face, her eyes bright as she looked at Zoey, “I never said that. I’m just worried about you is all.”
This was their third flip and at this point, Zoey felt like they were a well-oiled machine. Zoey had become an expert in getting permits through the town council – the task Robin detested the most.
“If I own it, I should be allowed to do whatever I want to it,” Robin would always groan, “If it fails an inspection, that’s my problem!”
Zoey could still see how thrilled her dad had been when they told him about their new business idea: take all of the run down houses in New Winford and restore them to their former glory. William had even offered to show Robin and Zoey his favorite buildings across New Winford, places he had always dreamed of doing the same thing to.
And standing here now in the kitchen of their current project, Zoey couldn’t be more proud of where she was. She and Robin had done a great job fitting each other into their lives, and this was only just the beginning.
Zoey had hardly noticed that Robin was rambling on about the backsplash in the kitchen as she thought about where the last two years had taken them. She shook the train of thought and turned back to her stunning partner, trying to ignore the falling snow outside.
“I wonder if something neutral might be smarter since we had a hard time selling buyers on the color scheme last time,” Robin said half to herself. But Zoey put her arm around Robin and looked at the gorgeous kitchen.
It was perfectly designed with a massive, six-foot island at the center. With touches of everything they both loved, the behemoth of a house was being brought into the 21st century.
She admired the gorgeous stainless steel appliances and exposed wood beams. By the time they finished each flip, Zoey struggled to actually let go of the house. All of them felt like her kids that she had spent painstaking hours – and endless money – bringing to maturity.
But every time they drove past one of their sold homes in Robin’s new pickup truck, Zoey loved seeing Robin’s face light up as a new family was welcomed to New Winford, kids running around the front yard and couples breaking in their brand new kitchens with a family dinner.
Having considered Robin’s point about the backsplash, Zoey gave her two cents, “I think we should do whatever the fuck we want. Who cares if no one buys it. I’ll keep it.”
Robin couldn’t stop herself from laughing, “You can’t keep all of them.”
“Who could stop me?” Zoey asked as she planted a kiss on Robin’s soft lips, a wave of warmth passing over her body.
Though Zoey loved her modern conveniences, she was a country girl at heart and loved the character of these old buildings. She was as big of an advocate for keeping the strange features of the houses as Robin was, despite how gorgeous her modern city apartment had looked when she’d lived alone.
Robin kissed Zoey on the cheek and nodded, “Okay but if a single buyer mentions it, you have to buy me a beer.”
Zoey stuck out her hand firmly just like she did when they had reunited at the Town Hall two years ago and shook Robin‘s hand, “It’s a deal.”
Robin made a note in her years-old notebook, its spine barely holding together. The event planner in Zoey wanted to scream every time she saw it. But as Robin’s partner, she couldn’t help but find it endearing.
“If it sells, can I get you a new notebook?” Zoey tried.
Robin winked, “Never.”
She slammed the notebook shut after making the note and checked the brown, leather watch on her wrist, “Oh shit we’re gonna be late.”
Zoey couldn’t stop the nervous smile from creeping onto her face. It was going to be an interesting Christmas.
“Robin,will you please tell your girlfriend that she’s crazy?” Daryl begged.
Robin raised an eyebrow at Daryl and laughed, “You and I both know she might be bold, but she’s not crazy. I’ve seen you do dumber shit on worse time crunches.”
She wasn’t wrong, Daryl immediately remembered having to source dozens of hydrangeas a week before the Town Hall wedding for Zoey’s former clients. And Zoey had been much more of a hard-ass back then.
Zoey ignored Daryl, continuing to address Leah, “It hasn’t been that cold this year. I’m not even sure anything is frozen.”
“She’s not wrong, honey. It might not beimpossibleto plant live shrubs at the venue,” Leah said, trying to play the middle.
“InDecember?” Daryl asked incredulously.