Page 45 of Long Shot
A wide smirk took over Taylor’s face, Taylor shrugged with a wink. “I’ll make sure of it.”
The engines started to heat up, roaring off to the side of the plane. Darla walked back to their section with another selection of drinks. She presented the tray to Taylor and Mac. Browsing the selection, Taylor had a choice between protein shakes, water, ginger ale, or champagne.
Taylor licked her lips as she met Mac’s dark, brown eyes. Reaching across the tray, Taylor pulled the glass of champagne. “You’re a bad influence.”
Mac raised her hands. “I didn’t do shit.”
Darla disappeared into the rest of the cabin, leaving the pair alone.
“You’re the one making all kinds of insinuations.” Mac cleared her throat, her cheeks growing rosie with each sip of her drink.
Taylor shrugged. “Not interested in the mile high club?”
Mac raised a finger. “I never said that.”
The engine roared and the plane lurched forward, quickly gaining speed as it soared down the runway. Taylor closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath as she felt the wheels lift off the cement.Airborne.
Being in the air meant that they had pulled it off. Mac was on her plane, and no one – but the five people abroad – had any idea.
From across the table, Mac gasped for air as the plane hit full throttle. Her back lightly slammed into the chair and pushed allthe air out of her lungs. Reaching the top of its ascent, the plane leveled out and quieted.
“Alright, passengers. We’ve reached our peak elevation. Feel free to move about the cabin.” The captain announced.
The line went quiet and Taylor unbuckled her seat belt. Mac followed suit and looked around the room. Taylor hadn’t really noticed how nice it was until she watched Mac’s face explore.
Taylor stretched her neck. “Nicer than commercial?”
Mac laughed. “No shit. Since you don’t remember it.”
“Not sure I ever flew commercial.” Taylor scratched her eyebrows.
Standing from her seat, Mac rolled her eyes. She ran her fingers along the polished wood. The carpets under her feet were perfectly kept. She walked toward the bathroom, a disguised wall with a simple handle.
Mac laughed. “Please tell me you’ve hidden the bathroom.”
Following behind her, Taylor stood a few feet behind Mac. “To be fair, it’s a really ugly room on planes.”
“I bet it’s not on here.” Mac turned to look at Taylor. Behind her, clouds flew by their heads. They were already over water. As she thought, her face darkened. “How many times have you visited the mile high club?”
Taylor raised her eyebrows. “Do you actually want to know that?”
Mac shrugged, stepping closer. “I’m not sure. This is casual, right? Just two old friends reconnecting.”
Taylor put her hand on Mac’s waist. “Do old friends talk about things like that?” As soon as her hand met Mac’s body, Taylor felt the electricity between them. At that moment, she couldn’t remember a single other person who had ever laid hands on her.
Mac let her hands caress Taylor's biceps. “Old friends do a lot of the things we do.”
A smile took over Taylor’s face as she leaned in to Mac, letting her lips hover just a few centimeters from Mac’s.
The dark look in Mac’s eyes faded as she looked down at Taylor’s mouth.
“Besides,” Taylor peeked up into Mac’s gaze, “No one has ever touched me like you do.”
It was all Mac needed to hear. She crossed the distance between them and pressed her lips to Taylor’s, a groan coming up from her throat.
Taylor giggled. “How can you be so desperate for me when you can have me all the time?”
Mac rolled her eyes. “Desperate? You’re one to talk. I bet you’re already wet for me.”