Page 44 of In the Works
We strolled a few aisles in silence, only breaking to point out tiles we liked.
But after a moment of perusing, Vic sidled up next to me. “Any thoughts?”
Shaking my head, I giggled. “It’s your bathroom. I’m more interested in what intrigues you.”
We kept walking as she spoke. “Like we discussed, I’m a fan of mid-century modern bathrooms. Something funky.”
“No white subway tile.”
Vic clicked her tongue and chuckled. “Exactly.”
When we arrived back at the main walkway, I scanned the top of the massive warehouse storage shelves for the oversized organizational key on each aisle. After reading it for a moment, I knew where to head. I grabbed Vic’s hand and led her toward the aisle I was looking for.
As I jogged through the maze of shelves, Vic trailed slightly behind me. My dress flowed around me, swept up in the light wind of my movements. I could feel Vic’s eyes on my body, lingering on my ass as I moved.
I slowed when we reached the spot: aisle 37G. There, I started scanning for the right tile. It needed to be something unique, not just in color but in shape too.
We passed dozens of interesting arrangements, and I could see Victoria tilt her head with curiosity at a few of the options.But none made her eyes light up, and I wasn’t letting her go home without that look.
“A-ha!” I cheered as we found the ceramic piece I had been envisioning. “What about this?”
Keeping her grip on my hand, Victoria examined the display. It was a jade green tile with a diamond shape. Vic used her free hand to pick up a sample piece and twist it in her hand, letting the light play off of the gleaming surface.
I started to paint the picture for her. “It’s a special shape, one you rarely see in a modern bathroom, but it creates clean lines. The shade of green will brighten in the sunlight and darken in the night. I picture it with brushed gold hardware and hanging plants. We could use a wood-top double vanity to bring some warmth.”
As I spoke, a smile crept onto Victoria’s face. “I love it.” She turned to look at me, her breathing steady and calm. Her gaze flicked from my eyes to my lips. If I was honest, I was shocked I hadn’t kissed her yet. But there was nothing stopping us now.
Taking a deep breath, Vic closed the distance between us. She wrapped her arm around my waist and pulled me closer as her lips met mine. It took everything in me to hold back the moan that begged to escape my throat.
As we kissed, our tongues played at each other’s mouths. I opened my lips slightly, inviting her in. She found my tongue and teased it before receding and letting mine chase hers. I threw my arms over her neck as I pulled her closer, her long fingers pressing into my hips. With each kiss, we grew more desperate.
“Sarah,” Vic said when our lips parted. “Are you sure about this?”
Nodding, I met her hazel eyes. The bright lights behind her head created a small halo around her. “Yeah, I’m sure.”
Vic smirked and led me back to the main aisle. As we walked, I made a mental note of the tile number for tomorrow once this lusty haze wore off.
At the front of the warehouse, a counter housing a glass display case presided over a small waiting area. Vic turned me toward her, pressing my back into the counter. A moan slipped out of my mouth as the cold of the glass crept through my dress. It was a stark contrast to the warmth of my already soaked panties.
Our mouths hardly parted as Vic placed her arms on the counter behind me, pinning me between them.
I opened my eyes, meeting the fierce yearning in hers.
With a cocky smile, Vic grabbed my thighs and lifted me onto the counter. I whimpered as I landed, not expecting her strength.
“Do you always have this easy of a time getting what you want?” I groaned as she started to kiss my neck. The skin tingled under her touch, a shiver running from my neck down my spine.
Vic lifted her eyes to meet mine. “I don’t usually have to be so patient. But you’re more than worth the wait.” Burying her head back into the crook of my neck, her teeth started to play at my flesh. Light bites sent pulses of anticipation to my center as Vic slid herself between my legs.
As she did, I felt my center tighten under her touch. I needed to feel her inside me, to see what those elegant fingers could do.
She brought her hand to my neck instead and pulled my lips to hers. As we kissed, she lightly thrust her hips into me. There was nothing there, not a strap-on or fingers. But I swore to all that is holy that I could still feel her pressing into me. With each thrust, my breathing grew more shallow.
All I wanted was to feel her. I brought my hand from her back to her center, slowly unbuttoning the trousers. Once I had them open, I slid my fingers up to her chest. The skin was softand tender. I brought my other hand to the shirt and undid those buttons too, wanting as much of her available to me as possible. Once the dark gray shirt was open, I pushed the fabric off of her chest.
My jaw dropped at the sight of her small, perky breasts. Her nipples were already hard. I cupped each mound and lowered my head, kissing down her chest. My lips teased the puckered flesh, drawing them slowly into my mouth.
“Fuck.” Vic moaned as I sucked on her. With her arm around my back, her fingers dug into my soft skin. The fabric of my dress dulled the sting only slightly, but a part of me yearned to feel her full force.