Page 60 of In the Works
A moan escaped my throat as she touched me. I had been desperate for her for weeks now, daydreaming of the next time I’d get to touch her. Unable to wait any longer, I moved my body toward hers as we kissed, throwing my leg over her lap as she leaned back onto the blanket.
Our lips didn’t part once as we maneuvered, our bodies in perfect sync.
On top of her, I felt my hips start to rock against hers. She hadn’t laid a finger on my center and yet my entire body was anticipating her. Beneath me, Sarah’s hips started to gently thrust into me.
My chest rose and fell rapidly, desire burning in my lungs. I could tell she wanted me too, her breath growing quick against my face.
“Get me off this fucking mountain.” Sarah groaned into my mouth as her own excitement took over.
Without needing any more assurance, I rolled off of her lap and started packing up the picnic. The sun was lowering in the sky but it would be a few hours before it really set.
It only took a few minutes for the two of us to throw everything back into its respective packs and start heading down the path. This loop took us down the mountain, not retracing any of the original ground we covered.
Holding my hand, Sarah followed the trail markers. She was basically running down the slope to get back to the parking lot.
The way down went way faster, approaching the car just thirty minutes after we left our cliffside rest spot.
“Someone’s eager.” I teased as Sarah charged ahead toward the truck.
Whipping her head around, Sarah narrowed her eyes at me. “Is that a problem?”
I shook my head quickly. “God, no.” Unlocking the car, I tossed our gear in the bed and threw open the driver’s side door in what felt like milliseconds.
Already buckled in, Sarah’s knees clasped together as she faced me in her seat.
“Whose house?” I asked as I put the car in drive.
“Yours.” She had the answer locked and loaded. When I turned to her confused, she shrugged as she tried to catch her breath. “It’s closer.”
I didn’t need more of an explanation than that as I whipped the truck out of the parking lot and back onto the mountain road. Once we were cruising down the road, Sarah reached her hand across the console and set it on my thigh.
It took everything in me to keep my whimper to myself, not wanting to seem too desperate.
When I could, I peeked over at her in the passenger seat. Her eyes were craving me, looking famished as she kept her focus onme. Every time I turned back to the road, her hand would travel a few inches higher on my leg.
The lump in my throat grew with every movement. She hovered just a few centimeters away from the heat of my slit. My clit throbbed at the thought.
But surely, Sarah Greenwood isn’t about to start trying to fuck me while I drive?
It was a crazy thought, one I’d never even let myself consider. But as I took the mountain curves with ease, Sarah let her fingers press between my legs. She applied pressure to her fingers, right along where my clit was aching for her.
“Sarah,” I warned.
Eyeing me, she giggled. “Brianne.”
I moaned as she rubbed me over the hiking shorts. “This is dangerous.”
“Can’t handle it?” She teased.
Shaking my head, I kept my eyes on the road. “Did I say that?”
Sarah’s teeth peeked out of her lips as she sunk them into her lip. Applying more pressure, she let her hand rub against my folds. The fabric was already slick with excitement from our makeout session on the mountain. My body tried to grind along with her movements without taking my attention off the road.
When the truck careened down a slope, I let my mind focus on Sarah’s hands for a breath moment. Even over the clothes, she had found my clit quickly. But to make up for the extra layers, she applied a more pointed pressure.
“God, Sarah.” I moaned as I tightened my grip on the wheel. A part of me thought I might rip off the leather under my hands.
We were only fifteen minutes from my house.All I have to do is hold out for a little longer.