Page 79 of In the Works
Cleo tilted their head, confused. “Where was she?”
“On a date.” I quipped, bending over and into position as we waited for the pitcher to throw the first ball.
“Christ.” Cleo mumbled under their breath as they prepared to catch a ball.
The loudsmackof the ball on the metal bat brought me back to my body. Watching the ball descend in the sky, I ran after it. I opened my glove and used my other hand to brace for impact.
Once I felt the ball fill my glove, I clasped it in my hand and tossed it back to the pitcher.
Cleo moved closer to me. “How do you feel about it?”
Shrugging, I watched the next batter step up to the plate. “What if she’s not ready?”
“For what?” Cleo shook their head.
Another ball moved into play, pausing our conversation.
Back in position, I continued, “I don’t know. Something serious. She’s having fun dating around and seeing what else is out there. I don’t want to tie her to this.” I gestured to the town around us.
Cleo scoffed. “She’s got three kids in the New Winford school district for the next… eighteen years? I don’t think it’s you tying her here.” After a moment, Cleo sighed. “I just think if she tells you that you’re it, you should trust that.”
Raising my eyebrows, I laughed. “You’re probably right… which is annoying of you.”
“That’s what I’m here for.” Cleo winked.
Before the next batter stepped up to the plate, a figure hopped onto the bleachers just past the fence behind home plate.
Cleo stood up straight, their forehead wrinkling. “No way.”
My eyes narrowed at the person, trying to make out who it was. “Is that…?”
“It’s fucking Cat.” Staring ahead, Cleo swallowed the boulder-sized lump in her throat.
“Well, that’s not good.” I bit my lip as I bent back down, ready for the next play. I had no idea what Cleo’s cheating ex was doing back in town. But it wouldn’t help Cleo’s confidence to lose this play.
I took in a deep breath, trying to steady myself. No matter what happened, I needed to trust Sarah and her instincts. All that was left was to wait for her decision and finish that goddamn table.
This view isworth every penny.I thought as I started out at the glimmering lake, leaning against the brand new balcony railing. The double doors off the primary bedroom could finally be opened onto the new decking.
Swaying in the wind, the leaves of the trees were starting to get a light crispy sound to them as the end of August barreled closer.
I gripped the sealed wood and took in the fresh air. Surely the cleaner lifestyle would add a few years back onto my life that the stress of my 20s had taken away.
Before I could get too lost in thought, there was a faint knock on the door frame.
Whipping around, I started to smile before I even saw her. “Hi.”
“Hey.” Sarah nervously smiled back at me. Over her shoulders, she had two massive bags of decor. With just a week until the party, she mostly just had final touches to put in place. Except – of course – the table, which was set to be delivered the morning of the party.
I was a little nervous that I’d hate it. But I had yet to see a piece of Bri’s work that I didn’t like.
Crossing the deck, I placed a kiss on Sarah’s cheek. She pulled back and rested a hand on my bicep. “Can I show you some pieces?”
I nodded as I followed her back inside. The house was quiet, Robin’s work finally concluding over the weekend and leaving the party planners to take over the house.