Page 62 of One More Chapter
“I’m sorry. You’re right. There really isn’t a rhyme or reason to my AP duties, and that isn’t fair to you. I’ll talk to Nathan about it. And, I’ll start reading the lesson plans. That’s on me.”
That simple act, the listening and the fact that he’s willing to meet me halfway, cuts the tension in my muscles in half. And I hate it. He’ssupposedto be my enemy, isn’t he? I can’t spend my free time wondering if our conversation while he washed my hair—about words and actions matching—is already causing a change between us.
Because what would that do to our dynamic? He doesn’t think we’re going to get a second chance, does he?
I can’t put my heart through that wringer of instability again. It’s been my rule to myself since the beginning: Once the foundation turns to sand, you build your home somewhere else.
But then, he has to go and pull out his phone and send a text to Nathan right there in front of me, solidifying that he’s going to follow through, and I don’t have the time nor the head space for this.
I tell him I’m having lunch with the girls and leave him in the dust.
“Please tell me one of you has gossip or something,” I plead as I burst into Juliet’s classroom, where she and Lucy are eating at her kidney bean table.
“You can help me plan my bachelorette party!” Lucy says with an excitement that’s still a pinch reserved. After ten years in an emotionally abusive marriage, I don’t blame her. I get exactly where the reservation is coming from.
“Oh, hell yes! What’s the theme? Your budget does not matter because PJ Layne is footing the bill.”
“Stop,” she blushes. “I’m not taking your author money.”
“Then I’ll give it to Aaron,” I smirk. Aaron Russo, who is as over-the-top and extravagant as they come. If I offered up a Mickey Mouse ice sculpture for their wedding, dude would burst into tears.
“The theme is ‘Famous Disney Couples.’ We’re having a joint party at our place over Halloween, since it’s on a Saturday this year.”
“You would,” I snort, then smile.
“Sam and I already claimed Peter Pan and Tinker Bell,” Juliet says.
“Oooo, you know what we should do? Include a spreadsheet or something so no two people can have the same costume.”
“All great ideas! Do you guys want to come over after work to help plan? I’ll order pizzas!”
We do just that. It’s a much needed respite from being at home with Ant every night, especially after leaving the offer ofringing a bell for “help”on the table. I can’t tempt myself.
Juliet puts Sam the tech-wizard in charge of making a costume spreadsheet, while Lucy and I begin prep for decorations and themed drinks. Claire has joined us too, and is looking up games to play that aren’t super rowdy.
“Aaron and I aren’t really big partiers.”
“What are your thoughts on karaoke?” Claire asks.
“Oh, he’ll love that,” Lucy nods. “Add it to the list.”
“We shouldhave a signature cocktail. Disney themed! I’m thinking Stitch,” Aaron interjects, leaning over the back of the couch. He kisses Lucy on her forehead when she tilts her head back to smile at him.
“Isn’t the signature cocktail supposed to be for the reception?” she asks.
“We can have two!”
“Speaking of my wedding party…” Lucy lifts off the couch and disappears to the kitchen. When she returns, she passes Juliet, Claire, and I each a gift bag. “Well… Open them!”
I’ve gotten the opportunity to see Lucy blossom over the past years. From someone who had no control of her life, to this woman who has clearly taken back the reins of her heart—and let Aaron help guide her too. She looks joyful. Happy. In love.
And when I open my gift bag to reveal the proposal to be her bridesmaid, I definitely start to tear up a little. We each receive a bracelet of two linking hearts and a Polaroid photo that Aaron has snapped since he made his silly little purchase this past summer. Which, speaking of…
“Ladies! Let me document this moment!” he exclaims, coming out from his hiding place to gather us for a photo. He snaps four, so we can each keep them, then runs off to refill the film.
“So?” Lucy giggles.
We all burst out into various yesses, and wind up in a group hug before settling back into our spots between their couch and love seat.